Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pump & Burn!

Well, I did it again. I attended yet another exercise class, hoping to restore my faith in instructors. Last night, I participated in the "Pump & Burn" class.

First of all, here's a bit of advice. Always keep in mind that in January and February, the gym is going to be packed so get to class early. Everyone is trying to keep their new year's resolutions so membership sales are at record highs. By the end of February, classes will be back to "normal" again. Empty.

There are those who try to stay on a regular workout schedule and those who think that just buying a gym membership will change the way they look and feel. That's like buying a set of weights, staring at them, while willing your body to a size 4. You actually have to pick them up people! Or how about those people who buy an exercise video, watch it from their couch while eating potato chips, then send it back for a full refund because they complain it didn't work!

Ok, so I'm at this class and it's packed. It was a challenge to find a spot for my matt, but I did. I found a little corner in the back of the room. I like my corner. And, don't ever try to take "baby" out of her corner! Noone bothers me in my corner. And noone can see me if (ok when) I mess up.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the instructor and I knew eachother. (I've spoken to the women's group at her church.) Since she had spotted me, I now had to do well. The pressure was on.

The music began. It was good. Then warm ups. Also good. The class was a combination of weights, cardio, step and bands. It was great! I loved it. I felt like every part of my body got a workout. I kept up and looked like a pro! This was much different than my last experience. I left class promising to return again.

Then, this morning, I receive an e mail from the instructor. She said she saw me in class and was glad to see me. She mentioned my "corner" space and told me she wants me in the front of the class right next to her! She also said she'd been reading my blogs and the blog about the step class made her laugh out loud! I thought only my mom, sister and daughter's read my blogs! It's nice to know others are reading. But then.

Then, it hit me. I realized what she'd said. She had read the blog about the step class! Oh no! She could have thought I was writing about her! I was panicked! I had to make sure she knew!

So, this blog's for you Allison. I think you're an awesome, fun and wickedly talented instructor! Keep up the great work!

And, please don't take Vic out of the corner.

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