Monday, March 31, 2008

Poor Little Gabby Girl!

I've been traveling quite a bit these past few weeks. You know what that means? Gabby Girl is with Granny! And believe me, she's not happy about it! When we made the drive there a couple of weeks ago, she knew what was coming! When we arrived, she sat in the front seat and refused to get out. She stared straight ahead and wouldn't even look at me! I had to literally pick her up and carry her into Granny's house!

Since she's been there, I've called and checked on her seveal times. Granny assures me that she's fine. I know she tells me this so I won't worry about her, but it's not like I can do anything about it. I have to go on these trips and I can't leave her home alone, so off to Granny's we go.

You'd think Gabby would be happy about her visits there. When she's at home, I feed her dog food. At Granny's house, she gets spaghetti, chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs! Once when I picked her up, she had red stains on the hair around her mouth. I asked Granny what it was and she said, "Oh, she just luvs my Spaghetti Sauce!" I can't blame her. Everybody loves Granny's Spagetti Sauce!

Well, you hang in there Gabby Girl! It won't be long now and you'll be back home where you belong. In the meantime, do what I always do when I'm at Granny's house.

Let her baby you all day long!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Rose" Update

I spoke with Rose this morning regarding her ultrasound yesterday. It's a boy! They are thrilled and very excited. I'm happy for them, but it's bittersweet at the same time.

Yes, another life has been saved through the Center and we can feel good about the part we played in making that happen. Rose is planning on getting involved in our parenting classes next week and I'm looking forward to following this family over the next few months. This is another baby I will be honored to hold in my arms and rather humbled at the part God allowed me to play in sparing his life.

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

I know many of you have been praying for Rose. I thank you. Her baby thanks you. Your prayers do make a difference! You may not have been in the counseling room with me physically or involved in any of my phone conversations with her, but never doubt that your prayers do make a difference.

Seems some of you did your part too!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

It's Easter today and I just attended a beautiful, outdoor service at my sister's church with my family. The music was inspiring and the message was simple, yet profound. I can say with conviction that if I lived near my sister, I would have found a home church today.

There's something very special about Easter. Even the people you haven't seen since Christmas show up for the Easter Sunday Services! It's almost as though, instinctually, as human beings, we are aware that there's something wonderful about this day.

Pastor Mike's message wasn't your "typical" Easter message. I'm sure you know the one. When the Pastor reads all about how Jesus died on a cross for our sins and was raised from the dead on the third day and He is coming back to get His church, etc. This is a powerful message and yes, this is all true, but his message took a slightly different turn.

For me, Mike's message was a reminder of how good God is and that if we will allow Him to live in our hearts, we can get through anything. He talked about who or what we are on the inside will eventually show up on the outside. Good comes out of us when we allow ourselves to be filled with the things of God, just as bad things will come out of us if we're filled with evil.

For instance, if we are filled with anger, resentment, bitterness, fear, hopelessness or hate, this will eventually show up on the outside through our actions or attitudes. But, when we are filled with compassion, goodness and love, it will show up in the same way! This is so true! I know from my own personal experience had it not been for the fact that Jesus lives inside of me, I may have fallen apart a long time ago. There's something very comforting with the peace of knowing that no matter what life brings, God will see me through. I know this for a fact.

As I listened to Pastor Mike, I reflected on the things that have happened in my own life in the past. I realized that in challenging situations, I've always had two choices. #1: To become better or bitter and #2: To continue serving Him or not. At that moment, I knew I'd made the right choices. And that brought a big smile to my face! Not because it's always been easy, but I felt proud of the fact that I've allowed God to work in me and through me, despite my circumstances. I may have a meltdown from time to time, but it doesn't take me long to get a grip and acknowledge the fact that God really does live in me. He cares much more than I do about where I'm going and I'm confident that He's going to help me get there.

We may not be perfect, but because of what He did for all of us a little over 2000 years ago, we are forgiven! We truly are works in progress! That, my friends, is something to celebrate! And, not just on Easter Sunday!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Lunch Date With Mamaw!

If you're reading my sister Brenda's blogs (it's a pilot's life for me), you may have heard about this date with our mom today. But, I thought it was worth copying and putting on my blog for your reading pleasure. We did write it together, so it's only fair to share. Enjoy!

For Easter weekend, my sister Vic and her daughter came into town for a family visit. Today we spent the day with our mom. I should have known that this would be a day for great blog material. I was right. It started off with my mother inviting my sister to go and eat lunch with her. I was just getting home from an Easter Egg Hunt with the kids when Vic was leaving. She said, "Mom called. She's taking me to lunch." So I replied, "If she's taking you to lunch, it's Chinese and I'm going too. Cause if she's buying your lunch, she's buying mine!" (I knew it was "Chinese" food because she only ventures to one restaurant for the $5.99 per person value!).
When we got to our mother's house, the first thing she said, as she looked at me was, "I just KNEW you would have to come too!" When my mother took off her glasses, we noticed her eyes were swollen, red and puffy. Our first reaction was "Gross! What's wrong with your face? Who beat you up?!" Needless to say, she wasn't amused. She was having an allergic reaction to her 2 year old mascara! She said, "What chu think it is?" I said, "I know what you have! It's called "xactly" disease!" My mom's eyes widened as she looked at me in panic! She said, "Wuz that!?" I said, "It's when your face looks "exactly" like your butt!" Vic and I rolled on the floor laughing. My mom said, "Oh, you girls' think you so funny!"

We then left for the Chinese restaurant. The whole way there, our mom was bragging to us about the price of the buffet. She said she eats there at least once a week because of the price! As we walked into the restaurant, Vic and I noticed the variety of the buffet choices. Mom saw us eyeing them. She then quickly pulled both of us aside and whispered, "Don't eat the crab legs, it's extra! Oh, and eat slow so I get my money's worth!" As Vic, Mom and I sat down and finished eating, we tell Mom we're stuffed. She said, "You two are hanorexic! (we're pretty sure she meant anorexic!) You two are too skinny! You need to eat more so I get my money's worth!" Mom then went back to the buffet and filled up a second plate. As she sat back down, she looked at us and said, "I'm so full!" We said, "Then, why did you get more food?!" She was determined to get her money's worth and make up for what we lacked. At any cost, including gluttony!

The waitress then comes to the table, asks us if we're finished and then takes our plates and silverware. My mother looked at both of us in shock. "You take the silverware off that other table and eat some more! Now that waitress is gonna be thinking, "oh, good, we make money off those people because they didn't eat enough!" Mom was irritated with us. The bill came. It was only $20.00. Mom looked surprised, "Oh, that's not too bad. I pay it. That's pretty sheep for 3 people!"

Vic offered to put a tip on the table and left $4.00 (20%). Mom said, "That's too much, Bikki! She didn't do nothing!" She then proceeded to take back $1.00 of the tip money and put it in her pocket!

It's never a dull moment when you go out with Mamaw!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Nothing Like Family!

Ok, so here it goes again. I'm going to talk about my family! Why? Because I can't help myself! I have an amazing family. Thicker than blood and all that jazz are true, but with us, we actually live it!

When I was growing up, I used to view other families as the ones who "had it all together". I was envious of so many of my friends because I viewed them to be the "perfect" family. Funny, but when I see friends from my past and we talk about our childhood days, I am stunned to hear from these same people how "unperfect" their lives really were.

Anyway, my family was the fun, crazy family. My parent's were the kind that embarassed you in front of your friends by doing goofy stuff! It would drive me crazy! Mom was always late picking me up from cheerleading practice because she was busy watching her soaps! I miss those days now! And believe me, my girls' have had to put up with a lot more embarassing moments having me as their mother than my parent's ever put me through.

But, we were and still are, close. We're loud and we laugh a lot too! We're sarcastic and enjoy playing practical jokes on each other. And when it counts, no matter what, we're always there. We support and love one another like you just don't see in a lot of families. We really do cherish our times together!

When I have a rough time in my life, these are the people I lean on most. They are the ones who encourage me. Nothing else matters when you have a great family! As long as you know you've got God and these wonderful people in your life, you can make it through anything! Yes, my family rocks! Even those we've added recently just seem to "fit".

No, we're not perfect by any means, but we are family! And I've got all my brothers and sisters with me! Hmmmmm, sounds like a song? Family Karoke Night IS coming up soon! By George, I think we may have found the song for our opening act!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I had an incident today at the center that was quite disturbing. A young mother came in seeking an abortion. She already has three little girls, her husband is headed to Kuwait next month and she says they can't deal with the expense and burden of another child. This woman is 6 months pregnant. I'll call her "Rose".

My faithful assistant came into my office and asked if I would talk to her. I immediately stopped what I was doing and entered the counseling room. There she was. A beautiful, young woman from Guam, who had married her Air Force husband 6 years earlier. She's been here for a little over a year now. She seemed scared and confused. She confessed that she'd already had one abortion in 2007 when she was three months along. I asked her if that had affected her at all. She said yes.

I then explained to her that having an abortion at six months wouldn't compare to the last one she'd had. I felt like I was beginning to get her attention. She asked about the type of abortion that would be performed at six months gestation. I told her the truth. I noticed the blood drain from her face. The whole time I was speaking, I prayed for God to give me the right words. I didn't want her to feel judged or condemned by me, but I had to make sure I did everything I could to try and save the life of this child. So, I kept asking questions. I needed information. She proceeded to tell me that she had a fear that something was wrong with this baby. She said this pregnancy felt different than her others and since she hadn't sought medical care yet, was afraid the baby was "messed up".

I asked her if I could arrange an ultrasound, would she be willing to go and have one? I told her the doctor could reassure her that everything was alright and that I would go with her. She was hesitant at first, but then agreed. I called the doctor's office and found out they would not be in until 1pm. I was a little panicked. That was thirty minutes away! I didn't know if I could "keep" her at the center that long! But, thankfully, she agreed to wait with me. And that's what we did. Thirty minutes later, she followed behind me in her car (I kept checking my rearview mirror to make sure she was still there!) and we proceeded to the doctor's office.

I signed her in and we sat together waiting for her name to be called. Finally, the nurse called her back and my part was over. I felt like I was in a relay race and had passed the baton onto them. I did what I could for that little baby, whose fate is now in the hands of its mother.

Please pray for Rose. Pray for the many Rose's that we see in the center daily and for those who visit other crisis pregnancy centers across the country. It's not just the babies who deserve life, but their mother's deserve to know the truth. These babies are real live human beings who deserve the opportunity to do something with their lives. I'm involved in my work, not just to save babies, but to save their mommies from making the biggest mistake of their life. I should know.

I did my part today. I can feel good about that. Now, all I can do is wait and pray the answer is positive.

Then and only then, will I rejoice knowing that we were able to save one more. And that, my friends, is what keeps getting me up each morning to face another day.

UPDATE: 3/20/08: Spoke with Rose this morning. She and her husband have decided that if the baby is a girl, they will place her up for adoption (they find out on Tuesday). If it's a boy, they will keep him. But, she's definitely not going through with an abortion!! Praise God!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Regrets" Chapter Two

I don't know if we have any idea how the things we do can have huge ramifications in our lives. Some things we can be proud of, while others not so much. But, it's true. Everything we do or say has either a positive or negative effect on the ones we love and the world around us. Some of these things can even come back to bite us in the ?!@#!

It's mind blowing to me that we make choices in our lives that seem, at the time, like good decisions, only to realize later what a huge mistake those choices really were in the first place. It could be a job choice, a school selection, a move or even someone you marry or get involved with. Unfortunately, the price you have to pay could be higher than you ever anticipated. And, my friends, it's not worth it.

We can pay for bad decisions in many ways. The worst would be guilt, shame and regret. Let's face it, we can't change the past. There's nothing we can do about it. Absolutely, positively nothing. When you come to grips with a bad decision you've made, this is the one time when you really want a "do over"! My sister, Brenda, says, "Vik, when you look back, you get whiplash! So, don't." I love that and it's true. But, we still do it. We dwell on things we can not change, but wish we could. No amount of wishing in the world will change the past.

I'm so thankful that when I ask God to forgive me of my sins, past or present, He's faithful to do so. He doesn't even remember them anymore! He gives us a clean "slate" each and every time we ask! I don't know about you, but I'm really thankful for God's grace and mercy. They truly are new every morning! I'm also thankful that we can choose to learn from our past, not repeat the same mistakes again and have an even better life! This is so exciting to me!

But then there are the kinds of people who never let others move on with their lives. These are the kinds of people who try to keep you from forgetting anything from your past. Some of them can be brutal, cruel and downright mean. These same types of people want to blame everyone else for their problems, rather than taking responsibility for their own lives and the choices they've made. I am so glad I choose not to surround myself with these types of people! I choose to be around positive people, the cup is half full types of people! They're the best kind! And, I thank God for the perfect sister that I have in Brenda! She's amazing! She's incredibly awesome! And......she made me write that!

In the Bible, there's a scripture that says Jesus wasn't welcomed in his own home town. Many times, it can be your own family members that refuse to accept when you've made positive changes in your life. They may view you as you once were, rather than give you credit for who that person is striving to become. These people don't want to trust the good changes in others. Maybe they've convinced themselves that if they can't become better human beings, then you can't either! How tragic and untrue!

Well, thank God, not in my family! In my family, we support one another. No matter where we've been or what we've done, we encourage one another to strive for the best life has to offer. We're right there for each other if we get knocked down to help eachother get back up. I am truly blessed!

Yes, we need to accept God's forgiveness for our past mistakes, but we need to forgive ourselves as well. I've said this many times. I'm not where I need to be, but thank God, I'm not where I used to be either.

I want to become better because of where I've been, not bitter. How about you?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Regrets, Anyone?

Has anything from your past ever come back to haunt you?

Maybe it was a really bad hairstyle or an outfit that you wore that noone let you forget about! It could have been an old boyfriend/girlfriend that you wish had never happened. Or a pair of eye-glasses that you wore. Not because of bad vision, but to make a "fashion" statement!

I used to wear this pair of glasses in the 80's. My vision was perfect (at the time!) 20/20, but I thought I looked sophisticated, smart and chic, so I wore them everywhere! They were bigger than my face! I don't know why, but I've kept these in my "secret" drawer for over 20 years. I've just never been able to part with them. I discovered recently that my drawer is not so "secret" after all when Kolby decided to bring those old glasses out to embarrass her mommy and showed them off to a friend! What could I do? Deny it? Problem is, hard to deny past regrets when there are pictures to prove it! Never happened to you? So, it's just me, then?!

I try hard not to dwell on the past. I remind myself that EVERYTHING in life that happens to us, good or bad, is a learning experience. Provided we learn, of course. Those of you who know me personally could attest to the fact that I'm a pretty positive person. It doesn't matter what's going on in my life, I do my best to see the cup as half full, rather than half empty. That's just me.

But, sometimes, it's not as easy as I'd like it to be. I'm so thankful that I serve a God who forgives and forgets. Unfortunately, many people are like elephants. They have a hard time forgiving or forgetting anything. This is why we must be careful who we share our lives or secrets with.

I believe we need to spend more time focusing on the fact that who we are today has been shaped by who we used to be, our mistakes, decisions we've made and circumstances we've faced. Just like all of you, I've been through my own "stuff" in the past. Good, bad, indifferent. If I find myself drifting off to a place that I would rather forget or beating myself up for it, I go through this little routine. I take a breath, get a grip, stop, pray and then let it go. And if it creeps up again. Repeat.

I like to remind myself of where I am today and how I got here. I don't know about you, but it's much easier to live with regrets when you've come out on the other side feeling good about yourself, what you've accomplished in life and how you perservered through all of it! Yes, I have some regrets and I wish I could have some "do overs"! But it is what it is.

All in all, I am who I am today because of my past, where I've been, or who I've known. Maybe we should try to embrace our pasts, rather than allow them to consume us. At 43, I'm sure of one thing. I'm sure that until the day I die, I will make more mistakes and experience more regrets. It's inevitable.

So, give me a break. Give yourself a break. And, please. No pictures!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Just Smile

Change. Life is full of change. Some we're ready for, others probably not. And then there are those changes that take you completely by surprise! When you least expect them.

That's happened to me recently. It's been quite shocking, to say the least and I will be writing more in the very near future, but let me just say this. This was the kind of pleasant surprise that you welcome with open arms, even if they're trembling! The kind of surprise that you know has to be from God. The ones from Him are always the best!

Doesn't it seem that when you finally become satisfied with where you are in life and accept whatever that means that that's when the best things just happen! When we finally let go and let God, He takes over and does the most wonderful things!

I am feeling very happy as of late. No, my life's not perfect. I still have my challenges, but something has changed. Not only in my life, but in me. I have experienced the "peace that passes all understanding" many times throughout my life and today is no different. As I mature as a human being, I am realizing what this truly means.

Yes, lately, I've been smiling so much that my jaws hurt! But, no complaints here! It's all good. I'm not naive. I know hard days are inevitable and life will be life, but today, I just want to smile. Because who knows what tomorrow, next week or next month will bring.

Life is short, my friends. We need to strive to find something good in others and in our lives everyday. If you look hard enough, you'll find the blessings that surround you. Sometimes, you don't have to look too hard at all. They are everywhere. So, come on, do it!

Just smile.

These days, I am. And darn glad I decided to use those Crest White Strips!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't Rob God of His Blessings!

I have been praying for many things these past few years. I've seen some prayers come to pass and others I'm still waiting for. You may or may not believe this, but God does answer our prayers. Maybe not in your timing or mine and He may not answer in the way we would like Him to, but, He does answer. Eventually.

And, sometimes, His answers are "No" or "Not Yet".

This can be very frustrating. When this happens to me, I find myself trying to talk Him into it! I figure it worked for Moses, so why not give it a shot!

But, He really does know us better than we know ourselves and He truly wants the best for us. And He does have the inside track on exactly what that is! Think about how much you love your children. Imagine this, He loves us even more than that.

Then there are those times that you pray for years about a particular thing, He finally answers in the affirmative and we still question it! Why do we do this? Or is it just me?

I probably frustrate the heck out of God. He'll send me EXACTLY what I've prayed for and I'll start questioning whether it's really from Him or whether I deserve it or not? Yes, it's from Him and no, I probably don't deserve it, but, He blesses me anyway!

My children, family and friends are the most important people in my life. I love and adore them and part of loving someone is wanting the best for them. Putting a smile on my children's faces brings tremendous joy to my heart. I want to provide for my children all they need and even some of what they want. I want to see my children's lives be a success. I want them to be happy. When they mess up, I want them to know I love them unconditionally. I want to be right there to help pick up the pieces when they fall or just assure them of my belief in them.

So, why is it that when God does the same and more for us, we question it. I've had many blessings in my life. As I've said, I probably haven't deserved most, but He has loved me enough to keep sending them. Yet, when I receive them, I can still find myself questioning Him. Why is that? He Himself promises blessings in life to "those who love Him", of which I am one!

I knew how much Kendra and Kolby loved High School Musical so I wanted to bless them by giving them tickets when their concert came into town. I was so excited. I had a plan. I would present them to the girls at dinner. I told the girls I had a big surprise for them! I just knew that they were going to be jumping up and down screaming for joy. The time had come. As we sat down for dinner, with a big smile on my face, I presented the tickets to the girls. Kendra (she IS a teenager, remember!) looked at me and said, "THAT'S IT! This is the big surprise!" I was crushed. Kolby started crying and said, "That is the meanest thing you've ever done to Mommy. She probably worked hard to get us these tickets. I NEVER want to speak to you again!" And off she went to her room. The evening was not going as I'd planned. Don't hear what I'm not saying. Kendra is a wonderful, sweet girl, who respects her mother. She was just in "one of those moods" that teenagers experience from time to time. If I had paid better attention, I would have recognized this and waited til she was in a better place. She immediately realized what she'd done and quickly made apologies to me. I accepted and I didn't take it personal. (We had a fantastic time at the concert too!)

Just like us, God LOVES to bless His children. He wants the best for me. He wants my life to be a success. He supports me and He's always been right there to pick up the pieces of my life when they've been shattered all over the floor. He encourages me, loves me unconditionally and He receives much more joy out of giving to me than I ever could have experienced giving those concert tickets. He LOVES to bless us. It brings Him pleasure. And, by accepting His blessings, I am able to bless Him back. I am making a vow to do my best to accept His no's and receive His yes'es. In 2008, I want to make it my mission to allow Him to love and bless me anytime He darn well pleases! If I won't do this, I'm not only robbing Him of His blessings, I'm robbing me of mine.

Maybe you need to start letting Him too.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Are You There God, It's Me Vik"

God is listening. All the time.
God is watching. All the time.
God is with us. All the time.
God is forgiving. All the time.
God is good. All the time.

I love the relationship that I have with God. It's personal and intimate. We have a special bond, He and I. Since I was a little girl, I have been talking with God. My relationship with Him didn't start from picking up a Bible. No, it started much differently than that! It started with a book called "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret", by Judy Blume. This little book changed my life when I was 10 years old.

It's about a young girl who talks to God about anything and everything. I thought it was the coolest thing that Margaret talked to God each day like He was right there sitting in her bedroom! Before I finished the book, I decided to have my own conversations with Him. "Are you there God? It's me, Vik. Could you please tell my mom that I really want those YoYo Shoes? And, can you please make Jimmy Stamper like me?" And so was the beginning of my many requests! (FYI: Jimmy did end up liking me, but he turned out to be a total dud! Be careful what you pray for!)

I religiously started doing the daily exercises that Margaret did too! If you're familiar with the book, you know the one! You stand in front of the mirror, flail your arms back and forth and recite, "I must, I must, I must increase my bust!" (Oh, come on, don't tell me you never did that!?)

And so this began one of the most intimate relationships of my life. Friends have come and gone. Relationships have too. But, God has never left me. He was the best friend of a 9 year old little girl and still is to this woman of 43. My requests may have changed somewhat, but He hasn't. He's still faithful to listen to me, even when I'm ranting on and on or not making much sense! He listens when I beg Him for something that I think I need and accepts my apology when I'm angry at Him for not giving it to me.

Sometimes I just like to let Him know that I love and appreciate Him, without bombarding Him with requests. I do my best to bless Him each day, instead of constantly asking Him to bless me all the time. You should try it. I like to think it puts a smile on His face when we just let Him know that we love Him. As I've matured in my relationship with God, I remind myself that sometimes He just wants to hear from us. He wants to feel loved, just like we do. Try it sometime.

"Are you there God? It's me, Vic. I just wanted to say hi."

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Four Months until "Robinson Family Beach Week!"

Daytona Spring Break has nothing on us! The 5th Annual Robinson Family Beach Trip is official! The house has been booked, the dates have been set!

This is what our children look forward to all year. Who am I kidding? So do we! Since my brother, sister and I live in different states, this is the one time a year when we can be together with our families, catch up and enjoy 7 days of fun, fun and more fun! I wouldn't miss it for anything! We truly enjoy one another's company and we know how to have a good time!

Yes, it's that time of year again! (even though every year, without fail, my brother whines to Brenda and I, saying, "do you think we should do something different this year?"). Child, please! Come on, "if it ain't broke, why fix it?!" We're heading to the beach!

This has to be our most favorite part of summer! Imagine, up to 15 people in one house! It's awesome! My brother and his wife, Adrienne, graciously rent a house (a BIG one!) for two weeks and share it with their families. Adrienne's family arrives Week One (they're the quiet, more conservative group) and then, well, there's us! We arrive Week Two. Robbie and Adrienne knew what they were doing when they set it up this way. They're aware that if the Robinson's showed up Week One, the landlord may cancel Week Two!

All kidding aside, it really is a wonderful time. The first day is shopping day! The adults load up and head across the 5 mile bridge into town. This is one of my favorite times. We get three carts and fill them with food, snacks, drinks, charcoal, lighter fluid and then more of the same, laughing the whole time! We prepare our menus for the week, decide who's cooking what and we work our "list".

The whole week is filled with sharing memories from the past and making new ones. Whether we're on the beach, by the pool, in the jacuzzi, cooking, eating, playing games, dancing, fishing, swimming, on the waverunners, cruising the island on our mopeds, singing karoke or at the tiki bar, we're together. We're a family.

And, it doesn't get much better than that!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

HOT Yoga!

I had the pleasure of spending this past weekend with my daughters and their husbands in Nashville. Besides the highlight of being with my family, Teryn asked me to go with her to a 90 minute (yes, that would be an hour and a half!) "Hot Yoga" Class. She's been religiously going for weeks now and has fallen in love with it! I would go so far as to say she's become somewhat addicted! She looks incredible and is enjoying the many benefits that it has to offer. Now, some people may think of yoga as a form of "new age" exercise and that it would be a sin to participate! Well, as Granny would say, "That's just ree-dick-u-lous!"

I knew that it would mean a lot to her, so I agreed to go. Ah, the sacrifices we make for our children! Anyway, she loaned me a pair of yoga pants, a workout "bra", a tank top and a towel. We filled up our water bottles and we were on our way! (Note to self: Just one water bottle? Please.)

When we arrived, Teryn introduced me to the owner of the gym. She smiled at me and said, "Have you ever done Hot Yoga before?" "Nope." Then she said, "Wait, you've NEVER done Hot Yoga!?" I shook my head. Didn't she hear me the first time? Jeez. She turned to Teryn once more, "Does she have any idea?" Teryn shook her head. Well, that was encouraging.

In the lobby, Teryn told me that once we entered the classroom, there was no talking. Some Hot Yoga Law, I suppose. It wasn't until she made sure I understood that we proceeded towards the classroom. As Teryn put her hand on the door, she looked at me once again and whispered, "Mommy, remember, do not speak". That girl knows me all too well.

The room was packed. We found two places on the floor and set up our mats. Teryn motioned for me to lie on my back and experience "scholtzy", (this apparently means "keep your mouth shut, close your eyes and relax" in yoga talk). This went on for several minutes.

The instructor walked in. It was time to start. When she opened her mouth, I almost laughed out loud at the sound of her voice. She sounded like a chipmunk! I'm not kidding. (I found out later from Teryn that this instructor is actually attending voice lessons to improve her high pitched voice.)

She proceeded to give instructions and I held my own pretty well. I can tell you this. They don't call it Hot Yoga for nothing! The room is kept at 130 degrees. On purpose. With a packed out room, it was more like 150 degrees. I'm talking, "hell" hot!

But, I admit it. I kinda liked it. A lot. Our bodies are amazing. We underestimate the power that they hold. I was very proud of my 43 year old bad self! I kept up with everyone and even finished without one curse word leaving my mouth! Remember, there was NO talking! It was a great feeling and I felt exhilarated with the whole experience. Being with my daughter made it even better. I think Teryn was really proud of me.

At one point during class, while we were in "scholtzy" position, Teryn reached over, touched my arm and softly said, "Mommy, I love you and thanks for coming with me."

That alone was worth putting up with the chipmunk, sweating like a pig and suffering through the unquenching thirst I endured for 90 minutes.

And, frankly, I can't wait to do it again. But only if Teryn's right beside me.