Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Change.  That word can be really scary.  We are creatures of habit, aren't we?  Some people avoid change like it's a fatal disease.  I've had so much change throughout my own life that I've grown accustomed to it.  Don't know if that's good or bad?

We constantly moved around when I was a kid.  I thought my parent's enjoyed new places.  As I've gotten older, I've come to realize it was because we were being evicted for not paying rent or my dad had lost another job.

Lots of changes going on in my own life and I'm not just talking about the "female" kind.  I'm talking about some of the "big" ones.  My career is expanding and that's good.  I am humbled daily by what God allows me to do.  I've truly and honestly love what I do, so it's not a job to me.  I'm good at it too, praise God.  He's definitely given me the gift of speaking and creativity, a bold personality to deliver pertinent, strong messages and He's thrown in a talent for singing too.  I'm blessed.  I get to do what I love and spend time with people I like.  Not everybody gets to say that.

Over the next few months, I'll be sharing more about some of the changes coming this year for me.  For now, I'm just giving you a head's up.  Or maybe it's a warning?!  Nah.
Even though change can be hard or painful at times, it's not always a bad thing.  I"ve never been one for routine.  Life is too short to do the same mundane things everyday.  We miss too much if we get caught up in a rut.  I've never been the proverbial hamster on a hamster wheel.  I'd go insane.  I like stepping out of the box and enjoy challenging myself and others.

Change.  Yup, it's coming.  And I think I'm ok with that.  Do I really have a choice anyway?  Nope.

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