Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm Coming Barry!

I have to send a shout out to one of my favorite men of all time! Scott, you said you'd make it happen for me and you have. It's been a very hard, emotional few days and weeks for me. I needed this pick me up today more than I can explain in a blog. that blog will come soon, but not today. Through a great guy, God blessed me today. A couple of hours ago, I received a message that I have a ticket to see Barry! I will be so close to him that he may just spit on me while he's belting out "Copacabana"! Or it could happen when I run up on stage to make my attempt to touch him! Either way, I will be there and I'm beside myself about it. This will be my first and could possibly be the last time I have the opportunity of seeing Barry and hearing him live in person, rather than in my car, my IPod or on my stereo. I can't contain my excitement!

I got the news while I was at Target. I'm sure people were bewildered to see a grown woman crying in the middle of the diaper aisle! But, I make no apologies. I have no shame, people! So on Saturday, July 28th at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, I will be spending two of the most unforgettable hours of my life with a man I've loved since I was a little girl.

I'm coming, Barry. I told you I would.

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