Friday, July 27, 2012

Twenty Four Hours Away!

Twenty four hours separates me from seeing him.  In the flesh.  I have dreamed of this moment since I was a young girl. Did I ever believe that I could actually be in the same room with him?  Not in a million years.

If you listen to my radio show, you've heard me talking about this event for the past 3 months now.  And now the moment I've been waiting for is just hours away!  People continually ask me why this obsession with Barry Manilow?  I'm going to try to explain it......again.

My childhood, like so many of us, left a lot to be desired.  When chaos surrounded my home, whether it was my father in a drunkage rage, physically abusing my mother, or wondering where our next meal was going to come from or praying we wouldn't get kicked out of our latest home, things were pretty tumultuous at best.

But, there was one thing I could do that helped me through it all.  And that was my music.  It was my refuge from all the tragedy going on around me.  I could retreat to my bedroom, play my records and drown out all the pain.  Even if it was for just a little while.  My music muffled the screaming,  the noise and the hurt.  Just a small turn brought up the volume and I was free to sing my heart out while I held my hairbrush in one hand, as I escaped to another world.  I played The Carpenter's, Eagles, Chicago and of course, my one and only, my favorite, Barry Manilow.

To this day, music comforts me.  As an adult, I've faced many trials and struggles. Yet, each time my world seems to be falling apart, or I just want to cry my heart out, I can pop in a CD (Barry, of course!), turn up the stereo on every tv or put on my headphones.  There's always been my music.  Whether I'm singing in the shower, my car, in front of thousands of people at an event or a church, it brings me a sense of peace.  It's just magical.  (I'm no Mariah Carey, but that's not the point!).

No, friends, this isn't just a concert to me.  It's so much more.  I'm confident tomorrow night will be emotional and I'm prepared for that.  I look forward to singing along with Barry and thousands of others.  Who knows?  Maybe he and I will have a Bruce Springstein/Courtney Cox moment and he'll bring me up on stage with him.  Ok, I can dream people!  I will be surrounded by other Barry Manilow fanatics or who I lovingly refer to as my "peeps"!  They get it.  This time there will be no drowning out of any noise and the tears I shed will be tears of joy.

Now, the only question is:  What'll I wear!?!?!

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