Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Who Do You Hate?

We've all had people in our life that didn't like us, right?  Or is it just me?  There have been people in my life who didn't like me and some who might say they've even hated me.

Sometimes I get it, but sometimes I don't.  There's a story I heard once about two sisters.  The younger sister tried all of her life to get the older sister to like her.  At the older sister's death bed, the younger sister said, "Please tell me before you draw your last breath, what did I ever do to you that made you hate me so much?  I tried all of my life to get you to love me, but you never did.  I tried things you liked just so you'd like me.  You never did.  Why, sister, please tell me why?"  The older sister looked over at her right before she died and said, "You were born."

Seriously?!  That's intense.  I've asked myself this question, is there anyone on this earth that I hate?  Actually hate.  I hope not.  I do hate things that happen.  I do hate the behaviors of certain people.  I do hate how people treat others.  I do hate disappointing others.  I do hate pedofiles or those that hurt innocent children or people.  I do hate that so many men in this country are addicted to porn and view online sex sites.  I do hate that 3500 babies are killed in this country every day.  Yes, I do hate those things.  But, actually hate someone I know?  No, I don't think so.   

Don't get me wrong. There are several people I dislike very, very, I mean very, much!  But, hate?   That's a lot of energy to waste on another person who must be pretty horrible in the first place.  I don't think anyone's worth that much of my time and emotion.  I can definitely hate someone in the moment when a wrong has or is being done to me, but once I calm down, I feel more sorry for them than anything else. 

There are some people I can spend two minutes with, but not two hours.  Two days with, but not two weeks.  You know? 

Makes me wonder?  Maybe I can't think of someone I actually hate, but is there someone out there who can say they hate me? 

If so, I hope they realize that I'm not worth that much effort. 

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