Sunday, September 30, 2012

Always Their Mommy

So many great things going on in my life right now.   Professionally, my work is thriving.  Our pregnancy center is getting ready to open a second office, which will enable us to expand our services to many more families in need.  This is a dream come true!  I give all the credit to God and the abilities He's given me to make things happen.  I'm blessed.

Personally, I'm in a really good place.   My family is amazing.  My friends are fantastic, some of which span 20 years and I'm still making new ones:).

As a mother of four girls, there's rarely a dull moment!  My youngest daughter, Kolby, is a junior in high school.  It's hard to believe that in less than two years, she'll be off to college and I'll be home alone.  I miss those days of my girls running around the house fighting over shampoo, lipstick and clothes!

Growing up, Kolby mentioned many times that she looked forward to the day her sisters moved out so she'd be the only one home with me.  Her wish came true two years ago when her older sister, Kendra, went off to college.  Spending time with Kolby and creating memories with her has been priceless.  It's so hard to believe that she's halfway through her junior year in high school.  I'm determined to savor every moment I can while she's still home.  We're doing more together now than we ever have and I love it!  She sleeps with me, works out with me, dances with me, and we love our Lifetime Movie Weekends, where we veg in my bed, snuggle and just be.  

The other day, I overheard her on the phone telling someone how special our relationship is and how much it meant to her.  It put a smile on my face.  She'll always be my Kolby Girl. 

When I look at each one of my beautiful girls, Teryn, Tawni, Kendra and Kolby, I'm reminded that they've grown into the women I'd hoped and prayed for the day I gave birth to them.  Life is flying by.  As I sit back and watch my oldest, Teryn, raising her own daughter now, it's surreal. 

My days of raising daughters may be coming to an end soon, but I'll always be their Mommy. 

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