Saturday, September 22, 2012

Is It God's Fault or Ours?

The next time someone asks me, "If God is so good, why do bad things happen?"  I'm going to answer, "I think the real question is, why aren't we more surprised when something good happens?"

Chew on that for a minute.  Although our country, no question, is still the greatest place to live in the world, we haven't taken the best care of it.  Sin abounds.   Let's see, we've kicked God out of our schools, father/daughter dances are getting banned, 3700 unborn babies are killed everyday, kids are killing kids, parents are murdering their children, pornography is a multi-billion dollar business, people (even the married ones!) are soliciting for casual sex on websites!  I could go on, but you get the picture.

We've become desensitized to what's on television, the internet or even the radio and we aren't doing much to change the fact that our kids can view someone having sex at 4 in the afternoon on television or online!

I run two pregnancy centers.  Parent's come to me and want to know "Victoria, how did this happen?!"  Hello?!  When you let your kids start dating at 12, leave them alone in your home or spend every waking moment together, what do you expect is going to happen?!  I've given many pregnancy tests to the "good kids."  It's not just the troubled kids who are getting pregnant, it's also those with opportunity.

We need to accept responsibility for the crap we create in our own lives.  I've messed up, you've messed up.  We have free will to choose whatever we wish to do, good, bad or ugly.  It's up to us to decide to change for the good or stay the same.  We make those choices, not God.

I pray and ask for guidance about most, if not all, the decisions I make in my life.  But, that doesn't always mean I choose what He is leading me to choose.  I've married men I should have never married because I didn't want to see the signs He put right in front of me!  Yes, He helps us with making those decisions, but He doesn't force us to make them.  We weren't created to live as robots.  God gave us the privilege of free will and we fully exercise those rights every day.

Still want to blame God for all the bad that takes place?! Seriously?!  I say it again, we truly are blessed that ANYTHING good ever happens in the world. 

Instead of blaming all the bad on God, maybe we should start thanking Him for sending us "kisses" from Heaven every now and then. 

God onlys knows, we sure don't deserve them.

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