Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pregnancy Center Banquet

Last night we celebrated our annual fundraising banquet to raise funds for the Pregnancy Center's of Middle TN.  What a night!  Other than having some issues with microphones, the evening went without a hitch.

Congressman Marsha Blackburn, TN State Rep Sheila Butt, the Maury County Commissioner representing Spring Hill, Scott Cepicky and former State Rep, now Executive Director of F.A.C.T., David Fowler also attended our event.  

Our speaker, Ron Gleaves, was outstanding!  His story was inspirational and powerful.  Ron spoke of the impact on being one of the 54 million+ post abortive men living in this country since Roe v. Wade.   At 19, Ron drove his girlfriend to Planned Parenthood for an abortion.  He couldn't contain his emotion, as he relived that experience with us tonight.  Ron stated, "I can't remember what I wore yesterday, but I remember that day like it was yesterday."

Over 230+ guests were blessed by his message and the testimonies.  This was, by far, one of the best banquets I've ever been a part of.  I was very proud of my staff, our board and the entire crew that made this event possible.

The venue, Westbury House on the Square, downtown Columbia, was superb.  The food was delicious (from what I heard), as I had no time to eat!

The music provided by my own daughter, Tawni, and her guitarist, Daniel, was beautiful and appropriate.  And the best part is that we raised more support for our pregnancy center.

I am so blessed to be a part of such a fantastic organization.  The banquet is now over.  Now, I can take a breather.  But only for a moment.  Preparations will begin soon for our next banquet in March!

So much to do...........but so willing to do it:)

p.s.  If you or someone you know is a post-abortive man and you'd like to tell your story, please email me at  I will get back in touch with you right away.  My 2nd book, "They Lied to Us Too", is almost complete.  This book will be filled with stories from men just like Ron, who want to share their stories.  I look forward to hearing from you.

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