Friday, October 5, 2012

New Beginnings!

New beginnings can be scary and exciting at the same time!  I'm in the middle of new beginnings right now.  Some haven't been easy, but definitely necessary and even more so, worth it:).

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."  So I've heard and even tend to believe.  But, I'm starting to wonder?  Don't you think the bad choices we make eventually lead to good ones and those good ones lead to a better, stronger, healthier and even more wiser you?  I hope that makes sense to someone other than me!  This I know for sure.  I am who I am today because of where I've been.  And although I'd love to be able to change a few things from my past, I like who I've become.

In life, there are no guarantees.  Unless you count dying and paying taxes!  People make promises they don't keep, they let us down, lie, and so on and so on.  Of course, we're only human, which makes us prone to these behaviors.  So, there are times, we can't be sure about people. 

But, there is one thing I've always been sure of.  It's an absolute.  And that's Gods undying, undeniable, unconditional love for me.  It's amazing how crazy He is about me!  The good, bad, crazy, imperfect (and all the other adjectives that go here) me.  He's madly in love with me!  He's not ashamed to call me His own.  He's never lied, humiliated or failed me, even in the midst of my most darkest or challenging of times, He's right there.

God's never disappointed me, but on many ocasions, I've disappointed Him.  But, even so, He's ready and willing to pick up the pieces of our shattered lives and put them back together.  No matter what we've done, mistakes we've made or the disobedience we've shown, without hesitation, God will be there waiting with outstretched arms to mend our broken hearts.

There are too many times in my life that I've been absolutely sure I've heard His leading and made decisions accordingly, only to find out I was way wrong.   Through my failures, He loves me anyway and holds nothing against me.  He's taken my mistakes and made something beautiful from them.  Yes, I'm on a road to new beginnings!  What a great comfort to know, He's walking right beside me.

Because when I mess up again, and I will, it's good to know He's not too far behind:).

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