Monday, October 8, 2012

A Meeting With a Congressman

To say I'm excited about the many exciting things going on in my life right now would be an understatement!  God is so good to me, in spite of me.  I'm so grateful for that.

Today was another exceptional day in my life.  I was able to spend some time with Congressman Marsha Blackburn, who generously took time out of her incredibly busy day, to spend some time with me at our pregnancy center.

I was proud to show her around and describe the many wonderful things going on at our center.  My work is humbling and incredibly fulfilling.  I truly have a job that isn't one.  It's been said, "Find something you love to do, and you'll never work a day in your life."  That's how I feel about my work. 

I personally want to thank Congressman Blackburn for another day in my life that I can be proud of.  You have my vote any day of the week.  By the way, you might think I should refer to her as a congresswoman?  No, thank you.  She prefers congressman and I'm just fine with that.

Congressman Blackburn is a public servant that the entire State of Tennessee should be proud to support.

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