Friday, August 26, 2011

Oops, I Did It Again!

I angered someone today and lost a facebook "friend" (I use this term lightly as this person was an acquaintance from high school who "friended" me).  It happens.  Trust me, she's not the first and I'm confident, she won't be the last.  She apparently didn't appreciate my political point of view.  Oh, well.  Last time I checked, I still live in a country which allows me the freedom to think however I choose and to speak those views privately or publicly.  Thanks to the brave men and women in uniform, I am blessed to reside in a country that affords me the opportunity to have these rights. It's because of these men and women, some who've given up their lives, that I can enjoy such freedom.  This is just one of the many luxuries that have been bestowed upon us. 

My opinion is just that, it's mine.  It doesn't mean it's right or that I'm a know it all.  It's just my opinion.  I have a right to it, just as you do yours.  We should respect that about one another.  But, why do some people get so defensive?  In my opinion, and its just mine, could it be the fact that they aren't as convicted about where they stand and maybe I'm about to out them with my own strong opinion?

Let's take my work, for example.  Don't get into an argument with me about it if you haven't done the research or been on the front lines as I have for the past 15 years.  You will lose.  Not only that, you'll come across as ignorant.  Just as I would, if I tried to instruct a surgeon performing surgery.

I may not be right, in your opinion, about what I believe, but I stand by them.  I'm very stubborn when it comes to my beliefs, my values and my opinion.  It doesn't mean I won't listen to yours or that my own opinion hasn't been changed before.  It's rare, but it's happened.  In reality, I admit, there are some issues that I just won't budge on. 

I stand for many things.  Human life is just one of them.  I have that right, just as you do.  It has been said that "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."  So, I take stands on issues important to me.

No, she won't be the first person I've upset by my politcal views or high strung opinions, and I'm confident to say, she won't be the last. 

1 comment:

twila said...

I am there with you. I am a strong woman myself and sometimes people do not like my opinion. It would be one thing to force it down your throat (I don't), so I can't tell you how many times I have gotten their opinion forced down my throat! So I too have lost people on Facebook and myspace (where I try to hide sometimes). You are right, my opinion is just my opinion, thats all!