Sunday, August 7, 2011

Regrets and Such

It's been almost 2 months now.  Living in Nashville has been everything and more than I could've ever dreamed.  I feel blessed everyday.  It's surreal when I realize just how much God has done for me and my family.

Teryn and Tawni are literally right up the road from me, Kolby is loving being with her two best friends from 1st grade, Morgan and Hannah, again.  Chad, my favorite son-in-law is every mother's dream for her daughter and loves his mother-in-law and doesn't mind that I'm around a lot. Kendra will be here in a matter of weeks to begin her 2nd year of college and my best friend, Val, is literally 0.8 miles from me.  Last, and certainly not least, I have regular visits with my Lil Pooks, who spends the night with me often!  The only thing that could make it better would be if Trudy was still here, living up the road. We were so excited to be geographically close to one another again after 22 years.  I do thank God for bringing me back to Nashville and allowing me to spend the last six weeks of her life though.  He is so good.

I'm enjoying my new position at the center  so much and I'm truly doing the work God's called me to.  My speaking engagements continue and my book is now in its 4th print.  Yes, I feel truly blessed, despite any negatives going on in my life.

Trudy's death has hit me hard.  Not just for the fact that I miss her terribly, but it's forced me to take a long, hard look at my life.  My past, the regrets I have, poor decisions I've made and people I've hurt are foremost on my mind.  There are issues I need to reconcile because it's the right thing to do.  Life really is so short.  "but a fleeting moment."  I continue to work on myself, to learn from my mistakes and to take time to appreciate the little things, not just the big ones.  Lots going on in this heart and soul of mine. 

My bucket list will be coming next.

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