Friday, March 21, 2008

Nothing Like Family!

Ok, so here it goes again. I'm going to talk about my family! Why? Because I can't help myself! I have an amazing family. Thicker than blood and all that jazz are true, but with us, we actually live it!

When I was growing up, I used to view other families as the ones who "had it all together". I was envious of so many of my friends because I viewed them to be the "perfect" family. Funny, but when I see friends from my past and we talk about our childhood days, I am stunned to hear from these same people how "unperfect" their lives really were.

Anyway, my family was the fun, crazy family. My parent's were the kind that embarassed you in front of your friends by doing goofy stuff! It would drive me crazy! Mom was always late picking me up from cheerleading practice because she was busy watching her soaps! I miss those days now! And believe me, my girls' have had to put up with a lot more embarassing moments having me as their mother than my parent's ever put me through.

But, we were and still are, close. We're loud and we laugh a lot too! We're sarcastic and enjoy playing practical jokes on each other. And when it counts, no matter what, we're always there. We support and love one another like you just don't see in a lot of families. We really do cherish our times together!

When I have a rough time in my life, these are the people I lean on most. They are the ones who encourage me. Nothing else matters when you have a great family! As long as you know you've got God and these wonderful people in your life, you can make it through anything! Yes, my family rocks! Even those we've added recently just seem to "fit".

No, we're not perfect by any means, but we are family! And I've got all my brothers and sisters with me! Hmmmmm, sounds like a song? Family Karoke Night IS coming up soon! By George, I think we may have found the song for our opening act!

1 comment:

The Pilot's Wife said...

By,george?No pun intended?lol.we do have a great family!you know what they say"you can pick your friends, but not your family" but even if we could, I would pick Pick you all again!well maybe not all... but most of you!lol