Thursday, March 13, 2014

Season 2 - Episode 2

If you missed last nights episode, make sure that you find it On Demand or online. It was really good!     I was so proud of Teryn and how she was there for Kolby. That's been one of the best things about having daughters. They are each other's best friend and always there for one another.  And, they usually give the same advice I would!  The bottom line? We all want what's best for each other.

You were also able to see a little more of our "Koloff Family Dinner". It definitely got heated at time between Nikita and I, but I'm very passionate about my girls. It's not possible to see the entire dinner in a few minutes, but I think the producers did an excellent job of capturing the essence of  our discussion.

As I wrote about in last weeks re-cap, I don't agree with Nikita forcing Kolby (or any of the girls), to do anything. I never did. I trust their heart.  No one has the right to force ministry on anyone. That's between you and The Lord. My daughters love The Lord very much and seek His wisdom, guidance  and direction, the same as Nikita and I do, in all they do. I'm sure Nikita means well, but he has to accept the fact that he's not the only one who hears from God.

Kolby is sold out to Jesus. She absolutely wants His will in her life. That doesn't mean she's not going to make mistakes. And if she chooses college over ministry school and it's the wrong choice, it's God's job to reveal that to her, not ours.

I don't believe for a second that Kolby was rebelling against God's will or that she doesn't want to do ministry, I think it about her needing to know her Dad trusts her heart and her own personal relationship with God. I know my daughter's heart and she has a heart for God's will.

Besides, Kolby's already doing ministry! Because of this show, she's become a role model to millions of teenagers. And with her YouTube Channel, "The New Different, she's reaching the churched and un-churched through her weekly bible lessons that she and Sadie Robertson started 7 months ago.   You should definitely check it out if you haven't already.

My heart broke for Teryn tonight as well.  She dreamed of becoming a broadcaster or the next Guiliana Rancic all her life!  And I know she had what it took to succeed in that career. She's smart, beautiful, a great speaker and very personable and interested in people.

During her senior year in high school, she and I visited several colleges. It was awesome!  All along, not knowing that Nikita had NO intentions of helping financially with her college dream.  He broke
that news to both of us only after we'd spent months searching and finally deciding on the school of her choice. He made it abundantly clear. No ministry school for a year, no financial help.  Period. It broke her heart. Mine too. I didn't have my own money then, so it was hard for me to help. And he made too much money for financial assistance.   But, I've told Teryn it's never too late!

Let me clarify something.  My girls have a strong, hard work ethic. They've never expected or felt entitled to anything.  They just wanted a little help from their parents. They weren't expecting 100% of their college expenses to be paid, they just wanted a support and help. They would have never asked if we couldn't have afforded it. We could.

I hope you'll continue on our journey as we see what's next for The Koloff's!

Next week looks good!  Hope you'll be watching!

Be sure to visit our website,! Kolby and her sisters designed some great shirts!  You'll find them in the Store link.

"Preachers Daughters" airs Wednesdays, 9/8c on Lifetime

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