Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Politics, Smalitics!

So, the race is on. What is it, six more weeks or so? I'm not, nor have I ever been, big on politics. Don't even pretend to know a whole lot about it either, shame on me.

What I am is a woman, whose post-abortive and a Christian. Not a perfect one, sometimes probably not even a good one. I'm also a huge supporter of Crisis Pregnancy Centers. Some people may think I'm so pro-life that they'd find me picketing in front of abortion clinics screaming, "Murderer!" Well, you don't know me at all. I'm completely disgusted by those radicals who stand with their signs of aborted babies, judging a young girl or woman whose feeling bad enough and doesn't need their help. Look, if a woman chooses abortion, who am I to judge her?! I've been there.

But, here's what I do know. One candidate is pro-choice, who believes its a mother's right to choose. He believes if a baby happens to be born alive during a botched abortion, that child should be killed to adhere to its mother wishes.

And, that, my friend's, is all I need to know.


Anonymous said...

Honey, do you suppose our friends and family wonder what kind of debates we have now that we're married? For example: what our respective positions are on Capital Punishment, Gay Marriage, Immigration, Foreign Policy, or Tax Laws?

I know that we love each other for who we are, respect each others opinions and views, and when the going gets tough....neither of us is going ANYWHERE!

Victoria said...

Yes, my darling, I admit, I, too, love the positions we take on many things. I also agree, neither of us is going anywhere.

The Pilot's Wife said...

well if George is Democrat, I know he may not be going anywhere, but I know where he can go....and its hotter than Arizona..maybe

Victoria said...

A Democrat?! Jeez, I forgot to ask! Damn. Too late now! LOL

Anonymous said...

If I had it with me, I'd scan and post my voter registration card. HOWEVER, in keeping with one of my daughter's blogs (re: political privacy), I'll plead ignorant and allow those around me to decide what party I'm affiliated with!

Those Floridian's just can't get it straightened out!

Victoria said...

Baby, you're a part of my party! Any questions?

Ann said...

I just love this....political sparring with family. Gotta love that right. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.....right.

Anyway, love the blog...miss you guys tons...big hugs to everyone...even a hug for you George - even if you're one of "them"...lol. All in fun now.....

Talk to you soon, love
