Thursday, October 20, 2011

Give Me A Break!!

As you know, I speak around the country about delicate and controversial issues such as abortion and teen sex.

Recently, I was asked to speak for 10 minutes to a group of pastors and laymen about the pregnancy center, our needs and the happenings going on here.  I've said this many times before, but it bears repeating.  I am convinced that God has called me to antagonize religious people.  I have a bold personality, very little intimidates me and I have strong opionions that I'm not afraid to share.  And so, I spoke about the great things we are doing and how frustrating it is to me that I continually feel that I'm "begging" for financial support from those who should willingly give it. 

The next day after this event, a sweet pastor asked if he could speak frankly to me.  He proceeded to tell me that until someone knows me a little better, I may want to tone down my passion a little bit.  He said this would help me not offend anyone.  He said people don't like to be "told" what they should or shouldn't do. 

But, seriously?!  By a show of hands, how many of you think I'm ever going to tone down my passion?   And with all due respect, I think it's time to offend, to a degree.  I believe God is sick of people "playing" church and is ready for us to "be the church" and do what He's called us to do!  I don't know what Bible you're reading, but the one I read teaches that we are to help those less fortunate than we are.  Trust me, our clients are much less fortunate than most of us.

So, forgive me in advance if you're one of the people who can't handle my personality.  If you think it's bold now, you should have met me 10 years ago!  I truly don't seek to offend anyone, but I am passionate about my work and get quite frustrated with those who do nothing to help our cause.  We are saving babies, for gosh sakes!  We are saving women from making decisions that will cost them much more than they'd want to pay.  We supply free diapers, baby food, formula, clothing, counseling and parenting classes, yet I can't get people to pledge a mere $10.00 a month! 

When you're on the front lines of the work we do at the center and witness the pain, heartache and hopelessness of so many, then you've earned the right to tell me to calm down.  Until then,

Give me a break!

1 comment:

Mackenzie Haven Leach Shunko said...

I love you Victoria and miss you so much! I would have loved to be in the room when that LITTLE/WEAK pastor came to you! One of the many things you have taught me to stand up, stand up tall and make a difference! Don't worry, God will get him!