Friday, July 29, 2011

The Memorial

Your memorial was beautiful.  So many came to pay their respects to you. You were truly loved by your church, My Love.  After I spoke and sang, Pastor Jim opened the floor for anyone to share something about how they felt about you or a special memory. Many, many people stood.  They laughed, cried and shared something special about you, how you helped them and how missed you will be. 

As Pastor Jim said, "anyone else?", I waited.  I knew Tawni, your Bear Bear, had something to say and I was praying for God to give her strength.  I knew she would regret it if she'd said nothing.  Right at the last moment, she stood.  I was so proud of her, Trud.  You would have been too.
She talked about how excited she was to be moving in with you after your surgery.  She was telling everyone about your conversations about the girls' nights, movie and popcorn nights that you were looking forward to together.  She said you weren't just her mom's best friend, you were her "Aunt Trudy."  She spoke of how blood or no blood, you were her family.  It was precious.  She loved you so much, My Love.  And I know how much you loved her.  She was your daughter too and I didn't mind sharing her with you.

After the service, countless people came to me and what do you think they said, "Oh, you favor each other so much, you could have been sisters."  I said, "We were. We just had different parents." 
Every morning, as I'm getting ready, I listen to our song.  I'm planning a trip soon to "our" place.  It will be hard to go alone, but I feel like it's something I need to do.  I'm sure our favorite DJ will still be there and I'll ask him to play one in your honor.  It's not easy going on without you.  I still pick up the phone to call you and have so much I want to tell you, but I can't.  Sometimes the pain is unbearable and other times, I'm in total peace.  I'll continue doing what you thought I did best.  Stand up for what I believe, antagonize religious people and use my past to help others make better choices for their future.  You thought I was the "special" one.  It was always you.  You were the better of us.  That's why He took you home first.  He's still got so much work to do in me.
I love you, My Love.  I miss you so much.  It helps to know how much you're enjoying Heaven.

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