Monday, January 4, 2010

Life is Hard, God is Good

Life can be very sad sometimes. I thank God that He sustains us through all things. God really meant it when He said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

It makes me sad to see the state of our world these days. The addictions, disrespect, disregard for life. It makes me miss my childhood. Even with all of its challenges, the poverty and times of sadness, I miss it so much. I'm not naive to believe that there weren't problems in the world when I was younger. The difference is, I didn't notice. As a child, I viewed the world through child's eyes, which is much different than seeing life through my now adult ones.

Life is hard, this is true. But God is good. And faithful. And kind. And all knowing. I set my heart and eyes on Him, for I know He has plans for me, my family and for our future.

No matter what life brings in the day to day, how bad it looks, or how much I hurt, He holds me close. And that, my friends, brings me peace.

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