Saturday, January 23, 2010


My Mom's birthday was yesterday. She's getting older, I'm getting older, my kids are getting older. I think at 45 years old, I'm starting to realize that we actually can't do anything about it. We really do grow older, we really do die someday. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it's like a revelation for me. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not afraid of dying, I'm just not ready. Still too much I want to do.

I've been thinking about my dad a lot lately. I wonder about how cool it would be if I could just call him on the phone , tell him about all the crap going on at work, or the fight I just had with one of the girls, or how deliriously in love I am with my granddaughter. I know he would have liked my new husband. And there's no doubt in my mind, he would have been thrilled that I finally got it right.

I saw this movie today called "Everything's Fine". It tells the story of a family that lies to eachother about what's really going on in their lives. We do that, don't we? We ask those questions, How are you? How are your kids? How's your job? And we answer, "Oh, everything's fine." When a lot of the time, it's just crap. Why do we do that? Are we programmed to "fake" everybody out?

Come on, seriously, is everything ever really fine? I'm not saying that life is just one big mess all of the time. But, usually when one thing is going just right, something else is out of whack. What is it about just being honest? Why is it that so many people play these stupid games with eachother. Does anyone actually believe that their neighbor, family member or co-worker ever really have their crap together all the time? I say, Hell to the no.

We're all living on this planet, one day at a time. No doubt, some people have it harder than others, this is true, but nobody's living a perfect life. No matter how it looks to the observer. When I was younger, I envied so many of my friends and truly believed I was the less fortunate of the group. Years later, thanks to facebook and re-connecting with those same friends, I've come to realize, their "perfect" lives weren't so perfect.

So, let's all get over ourselves and face reality. Life is hard sometimes. People don't get along all of the time, families sometimes loathe one another and eventually, sadly enough, does it matter anyway? In the long run, what a waste of time, because eventually,

We all die.


"To Be Strong". said...

Oh Vic, that is as honest as it gets. I know I am so clueless sometimes as to what is it all for. I feel sometimes, the older I get, the less I freakin' less I know. The honesty of my heart often gets me in trouble. You hear so many times that honesty is the best policy. I sometimes question that because (as Jack Nicholson says) sometimes, people can't handle the truth. I say the truth is freeing and healing to me, but as I have come to find out, it is not that way for everyone feels, which leads to complication. So, should we just push our feeilings of what we know to be the truth (according to the ultimate truth) down inside of us, or should we shout it to the top of our lungs and live with the consequences it produces?

Victoria said...

I say, "stick to the truth". You just have to make sure that you trust who you speak the truth to, especially when it's about them or something you share in confidence. It's sad, but there are many who take your truth and would try to hurt you with it, use it against you, etc. So, again, I say, stick to the truth, be true to who we are and the rest will work out. Eventually. I've never been real good at faking it anyway.

Anonymous said...

wow! You are such a great writer this was very inspiring and Your right..."the truth shall make and set you free!"When we live our lives constantly prentending or faking to be anything were not...were not being "real". Were basically just lying!and trying to prove something to someone.We all have issues and things we struggle with that others dont.Fortunately it has always been easy for me to be real I've always found it uncomfortable to be around the "phonies." Probably because I can see right through them and I see how really sad they are.I say Live Simply, love seriously,care deeply,speak kindly, leave the rest to GOD!