Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Growth can be scary and rather intimidating.  Most of us, if we're honest, would admit that we don't like change.  We'd rather things stay the way they are.  It's a small percentage of people who will actually venture out into the "unknown".  I find that really sad too.  Do you think reality television, movies and documentaries are so incredibly popular these days because so many people live their lives vicariously through others?

There have been few instances where I can recall being afraid of venturing out of my comfort zone.  Well, there was that time when my sister-in-law wanted me to jump out of a plane with her!  I didn't do it, by the way.

My father was no stranger to challenges.  He was an adventurer, who enjoyed traveling, he never met a stranger, had many careers (successful in ALL of them, I might add), he loved trying new things, read a new book every week, loved the NY Times crossword puzzle, was the greatest salesman that ever lived, and if you told him  something couldn't be done, he'd make it his mission to prove you wrong.  There's no doubt that my brother, sister and I inherited this DNA from our father.

I'm asked all the time how do I keep up my pace.  I heard the other day that the #1 fear of American's is public speaking.  This blew me away, as I speak publically more than 3 times a week.  It's interesting, because for me, wearing numerous hats at onces comes natural.  I don't know any other way.   

In no way am I saying everything I touch or do "turns to gold".  I've failed many times, but I can say with conviction that I'm not afraid to try.  It's in the failures that I'm motivated to do better next time.  I refuse to allow fear to dictate the decisions I make.

The great faith in the God I serve comforts me when I'm faced with a fork in the road.  Not only believing, but knowing, He has my back, no matter what my failures, brings me great comfort.  When I mess up (and this happens often!), He still loves and accepts me.  People may not come through, but, without fail, He does.  Although I've learned many lessons the hard way, God has continually turned "what the enemy meant for evil into good".

Change can be challenging at times, but it's also exciting and exhilarating.  For months, I've been searching for a 2nd location for our pregnancy center.  We've finally found one.  This venture will be one of the biggest steps of faith our center's ever taken.  It will cause us to wholeheartedly depend on God (nothing new in my line of work), the community and our abilities.  Am I a little intimidated?  Sure, a little.  But, I'm also tremendously enthusiastic about what's next.  When I think about how our center will positively impact this city and change lives, that's all the motivation I need. 

Growth can be scary, true.  But, it's worth it in the long run.  Besides, life is too short to sit around and watch others do what you're dying to try.  Get up.  Get off the couch.  Go for it.  This isn't a dress rehearsal.

I don't want to be that person who says "I wish I had", I want to be the one who says, "I'm glad I did."

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