Thursday, August 9, 2012

Let the Vacation Begin!

As of 5:00 p.m. today, following my radio show, I was officially on vacation.  This makes me very happy and puts me in an especially good mood.

My guest today was a comediene named Josh Belcher.  I've known Josh for over a year now and he's a fantastic guy and pretty funny too.  He's actually responsible for giving me my first "break" in stand-up comedy.  Not that I needed one, as I'm not pursuing that career, but it was an event for charity and he knew I'd do it. 

Josh recently had his own radio talk show, so it was no surprise that he'd "take over", turn the tables on me and I would end up being the one being interviewed, which is exactly what happened.  I was fine with that, because I trust Josh.  I knew we'd have a blast and we did.

One particular question that he asked caught me off guard.  It was one I hadn't thought about before.  He said, "Victoria, you're always helping everybody else. You've been a great support to me this year when I've gone through some tough stuff.  You're my hero, Victoria (he said that, I didn't). So, my question to you is this, WHO takes care of Victoria?"  After the words left his mouth, luckily for me, I had to take a commercial break.  Perfect timing.  I hoped he'd forget.  He didn't.  He asked again.

I thought about my answer for a minute.  Since I'm single, I couldn't give the simple, "Oh, my husband/boyfriend does." (Please don't hear what I'm NOT saying.  I'm ok with being single,  My identity is not found in a guy, it's found in who God says I am.  And, for the record, I absolutely believe in and one day desire a healthy, mutually satisfying relationship.  But, these days it seems if you won't compromise on things like faithfulness, respect, trust and loyalty (just to name a few), you may have to wait a little longer and that's ok with me.  I'm worth it.  Frankly, I'd rather be single, than wish I was:). 

So, I simply said, "God does, Josh. He's the One constant I've always been able to depend on.  Hands down.  I trust my life to Him completely.  He's the One who takes care of me."  I was quite satisfied with my answer because it's the undeniable truth.  I was confident that it wasn't some "made up" answer to sound good.  I have peace in that.  I'm truly blessed to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Throughout my day, I reflect on all the blessings and people in my life that are so important to me.  I have some of the best friends and family anyone could ask for. 

I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, where I'll begin a week of festivities and build more memories with my brother, sister and our families.  For eight years, this has been one of the events we look forward to all year.  It's an understatement to say we're deliriously happy about being together for the next week.  For the past two months, we've talked daily counting down the days, planning activities, menus and fighting over who sings what song on karaoke night!

My brother, sister and I will take long walks on the beach together, re-connect, talk about our father and how we miss him, sing karaoke at Harry A's most every night, eat burgers at the Blue Parrott and talk about the good and bad times from our childhood.  I'm sure we'll cry together and laugh even more.

Yea, it's true, God has my back, no question about it, but I'm incredibly grateful that He also blessed me with an amazing family that do a pretty darn good job of it too. 

With God and my family, I believe I can get through anything.

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