Thursday, April 12, 2012

Are you Linkedin?

All the technology going on in the world right now simply amazes and intrigues me.  You can find ANYTHING you want online, ANYONE you want to, and SAY basically whatever comes to your mind.  For years, I've been warning my girls' about the dangers of what you put on the "super highway".  I have policed their Facebook pages daily.  Literally.  It drives them crazy when I call them or comment on a picture "delete this immediately"!  Thankfully, I haven't had to do that too many times.

But, let's face it.  Whatever is put online is for anyone to see.  It's scary.  Kolby calls it "big brother".  I'd say she's right.  Now, we've got employers demanding Facebook passwords before they'll hire you.  I don't agree with this, but I get it.  When I meet someone in my line of work, I immediately check their Facebook page.  It tells so much about a person's character.  But, is it really fair to judge someone according to their vulerability in a drunken state to post a picture they'll regret later?  Apparently, yes, it is!

For instance, people who've viewed my page would know that I'm passionate and outspoken about the pro-life issue.  I don't expect others to appreciate every stand that I take, but I believe "if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."  I've lost some friends on Facebook in the past and I'm sure I'll lose more in the future.  I don't take it personally.  I've even deleted some on my own. 

It blows my mind the requests that I get from people I don't even know or remember from school!  There's that awkward pause, do I accept them or don't I?

The world of social media.  It sucks.  It rocks.  I can't decide.  In the meantime, check out my profile!

And I'll "see" you soon!

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