Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Growing up with the parents I had, who did the best they knew how, I was determined to do things different with my own children. Yet, I'm not one of those people who believes bad behaviors should always be blamed on the parents. But, in light of things going on around our country today, it's caused me to reflect on my own parenting skills. I'm very thankful for the choices I made raising my four daughters, who are now all grown women. Although, I'd change some things, I'd do most of it all over again.

Believe me, I screwed up too, but overall witnessing the kinds of wives, mothers, friends, hard workers and the people they've become, I'd say I got most of it right, with God's help. Although my parenting decisions weren't always popular and sometimes painful, I'm thankful I required my daughter's to earn money to purchase things they wanted, rather than always giving them everything they asked for. I'm thankful I taught them good work ethic and the power of saving. I'm thankful I taught them to always do their best to honor their word.

I'm thankful I taught them to leave a place better than they found it. I'm thankful I taught them they would be rewarded for good choices, not bad ones. I'm thankful I taught them when they messed up, it wasn't the end of the world. I'm thankful I taught them "No" wasn't a bad word, even when it hurt. I'm thankful I taught them admitting you're wrong and apologizing is humbling and good for the soul. I'm thankful l taught them not to hold grudges.

I'm thankful I taught them to choose friends wisely. I'm thankful I taught them to fight for what they believe, while respecting others. I'm thankful I taught them I cared more about who they were becoming than trying to be the "popular" parent. I'm thankful I taught them their weight or a bad hair day didn't determine their worth. I'm thankful I taught them the value and gift of losing. I'm thankful I taught them to love themselves, others and be generous givers.

I'm thankful I taught them it's OK to get knocked down, as long as they get back up. I'm thankful I taught them about God's forgiveness and grace. I'm thankful I taught them the wisdom they'll never be perfect. I'm thankful I taught them they weren't better than anyone else. I'm thankful I gave them permission to hate me when they needed to.

And, I'm thankful I recognized my girls needed a mother guiding them, not one trying to be their best friend. What proof do I need in whether or not I made the best parenting choices raising my girls?

Well, one just needs to meet and know them to have that answer.

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