Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Couch Potato

I've been on Christmas vacation the past week, which constitutes lots of lying around the house doing absolutely, positively nothing.  Seriously, nothing, and it rocks!  My best friend, Val, got me this amazing blanket for Christmas that's half sheep on one side and half wool on the other.  Wait, isn't that the same thing?  Anyway, I don't know exactly what it is, but I love it.  It's become attached to me these past few days.  Sitting on my couch in the same pj's, no make-up, my hair in a bun, with remote in hand!  It's been relaxing and educational.

I've watched 47 1/2 movies, 62 shows and 17 documentaries.  Netflix rules.  My favorite movies are the "Indie" ones.  They aren't as full of the Hollywood b.s., I mean hype, that you find at the box office or that "let me insult your intelligence" crap on other networks.  They're just full of real people, in real situations dealing with real life stuff.  One was incredibly disturbing and a true story, "The Girl Next Door".  You'll just have to watch, but viewer discretion is advised.  Another favorite that was fantastic is "Punching the Clown."  I laughed out loud more times than I can count.  But, once again, use caution if children are around.

I've seen my share of cable too.  Take "Strange Addictions" for instance.  Have you seen this?  It's about people admitting to strange addictions, hence the name.  Like this lady who lives with 47 hairless rats, a guy who gets off by pulling hair out of shower drains (gross), or the 27 year old who likes to eat drywall!  She says, "I've been eating drywall for 7 years now.  I think I have a problem and need help."  You think?  I had to ask myself, how does it take 7 years to figure that out?  Seriously, I'd hope that after the first time I had the urge to rip drywall from my kitchen wall (instead of making a ham sandwich) place it in my mouth, followed by chewing it up, swallowing it and going back for seconds, I'd be picking up the phone calling 911.

This chick is literally eating her own house!  I'm not trying to make fun, ok.  I have some bad addictions too.  I religiously record "The Real Housewives" and I bite my nails too much, but eating drywall, living with rats (although I admit I was married to one once), or playing with wet, slimy hair from a drain?  This stuff is disgusting, frustrating and makes my skin crawl.  My DVR is already set up to record next week's episode!

Yes, it's been an interesting couple of days.  Well, gotta go, "Cheaters" is about to start!

Happy New Year.

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