Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Things I Would Love To Say Or Do, But Don't, Inspired by "The Pilot's Wife"

My sister, Brenda, has a great blog right now pertaining to the title of this blog, be sure and check it out at "A pilot's life for me". I hope she doesn't mind, but tries to remember that the greatest form of flattery is duplication or when someone thinks your ideas are so great, they "borrow" them! Cause that's exactly what I did. So, no, I didn't come up with this idea for a blog myself, it was my sister, my incredibly intelligent, creative sister! She has inspired me to write my own list:

1. I would like to say to the person sitting on the plane beside me that I know you farted because it wasn't me.

2. I would like to roll down my window at a stop light and tell the man picking his nose in the car beside me that he's disgusting and find a bathroom already!

3. I would like to be able to tell the woman at the checkout who's over 30 to STOP wearing that blue eyeshadow!

4. I would like to stop being pissed at my father for forgetting to take his $5 antibiotics and dying because of it.

5. I would like to tell my ex-husband that divorcing him was the best thing I've done for myself in a long time and to thank him for continually proving to me over and over again that I did the right thing and was right about him all along.

6. I would also like to tell my ex-husband that he's the biggest asshole I've ever met. Well, wait a minute, I already did that! Never mind.

Thanks, Brenda, this felt really good!


The Pilot's Wife said...

if you want to know mine go to my blog!
aunt B

Anonymous said...

Wow, your sister is smart and beautiful!

Victoria said...

Yes, she is! And YOU should know!!