Don't throw up, ok?! I'm about to write another blog about George and me. But, this one's different. I'm not going to talk about how in love I am with this man or how wonderful he is. I'm not going to tell you he's perfect, because he's not and neither am I (although I will tell you, he's perfect for me and vice versa!). I'm not going to go on and on about how much I love being with him or bore you with details of how long we talk on the phone, how many text messages we send throughout the day or how many love letters we write. I'm not even going to tell you there's no doubt in our minds that God sent us to one another. Or that we feel like kids in love! No, I'm not going to do that. Honestly, I'm not!! Seriously, I'm really not!
One night while the girls were visiting their father, I was having one of my "sessions" with God. I was experiencing one of those great times of worship and prayer. I began to ask God about my future and many other things. It was a very special time. All of a sudden, the Lord impressed upon me to get out a sheet of paper and make "a list". It would be a list of all the qualities I would want in a man. It came as a surprise to me how easy it was to write. The pen flowed. I asked God to help me. I told Him since He already knew who this man was, I needed Him to inspire me what to write. I wanted to make sure I'd know him when I met him. There is no doubt that God helped me make that list. When I was finished, I realized this was a very detailed list. I even put down his height! Hey, I was detemined to get it right this time!
Anyway, I put the date at the top of the page and put it away in a drawer. I literally forgot about it. One night when George and I were on a date, I mentioned to him that I had to sing at an event coming up. He looked at me and said, "Wait, you sing?" "Yes, why?" His eyes watered. He told me I might think what he was about to say was weird, but that two years earlier he had made a list of what he was looking for in a woman. He said, "I even asked God to let her be a singer". He told me the more time he spent with me, he became more convinced that I was indeed the woman from his list. He said he never knew her name until he met me. Now it was my turn to cry. I was stunned. I could hardly speak. I looked at George and said, "That's not weird at all. I have a list, too. And you're him." Now, we were crying together.
When I got home, I rushed to my bedroom and pulled the list from my drawer. I stared at it in disbelief as I checked everything off. I hadn't realized until I was holding it in my hands that it had been written only two weeks before I met George.
God knew George was on his way to me. And He knew that I needed to know, without a doubt, that he was the "one". That's why He inspired me to write the list.
I feel incredibly blessed to have found George. We've both waited a long time for this! And we're enjoying this journey together, hand in hand, side by side, wherever it takes us. We believe we'll go places that we've only dreamed about!
And, God willing, we'll put our teeth in the same jar one day. And that's alright with me.
Sweetheart, I promise I'll always have good dental insurance for us so there'll be NO "jar sharing"! I love you and am enjoying every step we take on this incredible journey! Anyone that captures the heart of Kelsey is someone I should hold on to forever!!
I so happy that you are happy. I can't wait to meet George. He seems like a great guy.
Love, Val
You guys luv story just keeps getting better and better. I am glad that I get to see it on the side lines and get to cheer you on. God "always" knows what he is doing.
One more thing for you to add to the list...George has dental insurance....that's worth something there. ha,ha,ha.
Unbelieveable I made a list before I met Bob too! here is what was on my list.I hope the man I am going to marry one day is
2.has a job
3.owns a car
4.is not a mama's boy
and can you believe it I didn't know his name until he well..told me his name!then coincidentily Bob had made a list too.It was even more specific.It said.when I meet the woman I am going to marry I want her to.
1.have big boobs
2.be hot
3.have big boobs
and well he to0 knew my name once well..I told him! and ever since we knew God put us together:) unfortunatley for Bob teeth in jar,wiping butt is a deal breaker!
Love ya,
To Brenda: Leave it to you to turn my beautiful list into, well, you know! I was trying to be discreet. There are a couple other things we each had on our list, but we're keeping that to ourselves! At least Bob got one out of two on his. You are kinda hot! Of course, you do look like your big sister! LOL
goh i shud have wrote a list too maybe next time mom Ihope am not to late
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