Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Girl's Are Leaving On A Jet Plane

Tomorrow morning I will be putting my two youngest girls on an airplane to N.C. for several weeks. As much as I'm looking forward to some alone time with my husband, I'm going to miss them terribly.

It helps that I will see them next week in Nashville (George and I will be flying there on Saturday) for the birth of our granddaughter, but once we get back home, it's going to be quiet around here. Gabby's going to miss them too.

These are the worst parts of divorce. Saying good-bye to your children when they visit their other parent isn't easy (especially when they'd rather stay home). But, I have to believe that being able to show my girl's what a healthy, normal, marriage looks like will have many rewards for them in the long run. And will prove to be worth the price of being apart. My girl's are healthy, happy and well adjusted and I am an extremely blessed woman. Yes, I will miss Kendra and Kolby.

I guess George and I will just have to find some creative ways to pass the time!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dear T.T.

She's almost here. Can you believe it? I'm sure the time has crawled for you, but it has flown by for me. I can't believe it. I remember when I was pregnant with you and now here you are about to give birth to your own daughter. This experience has been truly surreal for me, as I'm sure it has been for you. Until your own daughter tells you she's expecting her first child, it will be hard for you to fully understand what I'm feeling during this time, but I still wanted you to know a few things.

First of all, the moment you conceived my granddaughter, you became a mother. Yes, I know within a matter of days, you will physically hold her in your arms, but you accepted the responsibility of being her Mommy the moment you knew you were pregnant. Have you realized that you've already begun making sacrifices for her, just like any good mother would do? By taking care of yourself, for the sake of your baby, you've joined the "Good Mommy Club". I know it hasn't been easy denying yourself many of the luxuries you enjoyed pre-pregnancy. You remember that glass of wine, size 2 jeans, sleeping on your stomach and yoga classes?

You traded them for morning sickness, sleepless nights, swollen ankles, heartburn, new clothes and let's not forget that swollen belly! See, you've already been taking care of her these past 9 months and made countless sacrifices for her already. And I'm sure you haven't minded or given it a second thought. I never did. It may not seem like it right now, Teryn, but every bit of what you've been through and are going through, is worth it. I promise you will never regret it. I never did.

You will be a mother to my granddaughter that makes your own mother proud. I know this because I've witnessed with my own eyes the kind of woman you've become. You're a wonderful wife and you will be a wonderful mother. You've always had that "mother" thing going on. You started taking on the role as the "other mother" from the moment each of your sisters were born. More times than I can count, I would just sit back and watch you with them. You are a natural.

Your daughter, my granddaughter, is a very lucky and blessed little girl. She has a Mommy who's intelligent enough to take the good of what her own Moommy taught her and to teach her own daughter the same. I also know that you're smart enough to do your best not to make the same mistakes I made with you or your sisters. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

I'm so excited about this time of your life, Teryn. This will be one of the happiest of yours and Chad's marriage. The birth of your first child. All the firsts that come with it. Her first smile. Her first word. Her first step. Her first day of school. Cherish each one of these moments. You will miss them. I sure do.

These last few weeks of pregnancy can be so uncomfortable, I know, but enjoy it. This is a special time that you can never get back. From the morning after she's born, you will miss being pregnant. Yes, seriously, you'll miss it, especially feeling her move. You and your daughter will never be as close as you are right now, so take it all in and remember as much as you can. There's something about this time of your life that will be precious to you all the days of your life.
Trust me. I know this. I'm a Mommy too.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dear Baby C

Dear Baby Girl Chapin,

I thought I should introduce myself to you, being that you will be here soon. I'm your grandmother. Not sure what you're going to call me as of yet, but whether it's Gigi, Mimi, Nana or G-Mommy, it doesn't change the fact that I'm your grandmother. Your Mommy's Mommy. You see, just as you are living and resting comfortably in your Mommy's tummy, your own Mommy lived in mine 27 years ago. Can you believe it's almost time? You're almost here! It's taken 9 long months, but the day is soon approaching. Within just a matter of weeks, not months, we will hold you in our arms, gaze at your beautiful face and proudly claim you to be ours. It hasn't been easy being so far away from your Mommy during this time. But, I've enjoyed seeing her belly grow through pictures. And, man, has it grown!

I want to tell you something amazing. I already love you. I haven't even met you, but I'm crazy about you. We're not sure what your name is going to be. Your Mommy and Daddy want to wait until they see you and then they'll know. I want you to know that you were very wanted by not just your Mommy and Daddy, but all of us. Your Aunt's, Tawni, Kendra and Kolby have been waiting for this moment for a long time. As soon as your Mommy and Daddy got married, they were asking, "When are you going to have a baby?"

Your room is ready. It's beautiful. Your parent's have everything ready for you. You already own your first pair of Uggs (these are very expensive boots, your grandmother doesn't even own a pair!). And let's not forget about your hoity toity stroller! It's called a Bug-a-Boo, so please be careful not to spit up on that $900 ride of yours! I know that's a lot of pressure, but you can handle it. You have good DNA.

You come from a strong line of women. I know you are going to be a courageous and brave little girl, just like your Mommy. You're going to be compassionate, generous and kind, just like your Aunties. And I'm really hoping you have the musical talent of your Daddy.

What do I hope you'll get from me? My prayer is that you will only inherit my good qualities. You'll find out soon enough that your grandmother isn't perfect, but she tries hard to be the best she can be. I try to admit when I'm wrong and work hard at humbling myself to ask others for forgiveness when I've hurt or wronged them, which I've done more times than I'd like to admit. But, all I've ever wanted was for my own children to be proud of me. To be loved and respected by them and to be there when they need me.

I promise you that I want to do the same for you. I'll always be here for you, love you unconditionally, teach you, pray for you daily and accept you for who you are, (although you may have to cut me some slack at times!). I promise to always tell you the truth, even when it hurts. And don't tell Mommy and Daddy, but when you're with me, we'll eat, buy noisy toys and do whatever we want!

I'll see you soon, little one. Know that you have my heart. Just like your Mommy does.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Birthday Party Pictures

We Are The Bomb!

George and I hosted Kolby's 13th Birthday Party at our house recently and it was "da bomb"! Of all four of my daughters, I must admit that this was probably the best birthday bash I've ever thrown for one of my girls. George and I were determined to make it memorable for Kolby. Turning 13, is, after all, one of the "big ones"! So, we spent, ok, too much to mention, on cake, ice cream, decorations, etc., but it was worth every penny.

George donned his bodybuilder apron and grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for over 30 teenagers! As Kolby was opening presents, with all her friends sitting around our living room watching her, George and I decided it was time for one of our surprises. We started spraying the kids with our water guns purchased earlier in the day, just for this special occasion. It was so cool! I think we had as much fun as they did.

After everyone ran outside for the limbo and hula hoop contest, our next surprise was on its way. We filled up water balloons (George bought 200!), with help from Kendra and Gabriel, surprised our party guests by getting them soaked. They were shocked and surprised, but laughing their heads off!

Yes, this one will go down in the record books. And although, we were quite a hit with the kids (they said and I quote, "Kolby, you have the coolest Mom and Step-Dad!"), we were most proud of the fact that we made Kolby very happy.

And that's really what we were going for.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

You're Fired!

I found out today that I've been given my pink slip. Today, President Obama's budget cuts were approved. Part of those cuts affect abstinence until marriage education because our President, Mr. Obama, doesn't believe in it. Being that he's so liberal and surrounded himself with such company (look at his cabinet), this doesn't come as a surprise to me, nor did it to my staff. We knew that when this man was put in office, the clock was ticking, not only for the unborn, but for abstinence education. We knew this from the company that he keeps. Mr. Obama plays in the sandbox with some nasty people, including those of Planned Parenthood, who despise abstinence education. If we teach teenagers the importance of abstaining from sex outside marriage, it would hurt their $billion dollar a year business called abortion. So, as of September, 2010, myself and my staff will have to find new jobs. That gives us approximately 15 months to keep making a difference.

I have been involved in abstinence education for over 10 years and I can tell you that our President and all his liberal friends are wrong.

I'd like to see Mr. Obama tell the student at a high school where I presented the abstinence until marriage message that it's a waste of our tax dollars and time. This particular student came to me after an assembly and said, "I want you to know that you came here my freshman year. It was a Wednesday. My boyfriend and I had plans to have sex for the first time the following Saturday. Because of what you taught me that day, I cancelled those plans. I'm a senior now and I'm graduating next month as a virgin. Thank you. You saved me from making a huge mistake." Go ahead, Mr. Obama, explain to her that abstinence education doesn't work. I would bet this young woman would call you a liar.

Or tell it to the young man who was relieved in learning that just because he wanted to wait to have sex until marriage, didn't mean he was gay. Or how about the countless young girls who cried as I told them it was never too late to change their behavior and they weren't washed up goods because they'd already engaged in pre-marital sex.

So, what is it you want us to do, Mr. Obama? Teach these kids how to wear condoms, put them on birth control or the patch?

The abstinence until marriage message is not just about pregnancies and STD's, Mr. Obama. It's about morals and values. It's about self esteem and self value. It's about protecting teenagers from getting their hearts broken, ruining their reputations, feeling no sense of worth, feeling used, washed up, guilty or ashamed. What are you and your liberal friends so afraid of? You don't give these kids enough credit. We don't have a generation of kids who don't want the best for themselves? When have you been out there talking to them, face to face, like I and so many like me have been? They want to hear the truth! They want people to care enough about them to tell it to them! Do you have any idea how high the statistics are of teenagers who've engaged in pre-marital sex trying to commit suicide?!

You're missing it, Mr. Obama. And a generation of our kids are going to pay for your ignorance.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Field Trip, Field Trip, We're goin on a Field Trip!

I just returned from a field trip with my youngest daughter, Kolby. She's in 7th grade. I used to do this all the time. I've always been the Mom who wanted to go on every trip I could with all my girls because my own mother never could. I'm the Mom who ate lunch with them once a week, went on field trips, brought cup cakes on their birthdays, etc. etc.

But something tragic happened every time each of my girl's started middle school. I WAS BANNED FROM EVER SHOWING UP TO THEIR SCHOOL FOR ANY REASON!

The first time it happened, the news came from Teryn and I cried for days. She never knew. Then it was Tawni's turn. She actually wasn't as bad about it as the rest. She's always had a sensitive heart, but still never insisted that I visit. Kendra forbid me to show up at her school when she was still in elementary school, never mind middle! Kolby, being a lot like Tawni gave me hope that since she was the youngest that she'd have mercy on me and allow me to continue my weekly visits with her into 6th grade. She didn't.

So, when she called me on Monday to say, "Mommy, my teacher needs one more chaperone for our field trip. So, do you want to come?" I had to play it cool. My heart was racing. I couldn't stop smiling. "Why, sure, Kolby, anything I can do to help out." When I hung up the phone, I was jumping for joy in my office. My staff probably thought I was crazy. They're kinda used to that.

So, this morning, I packed our sack lunches, put on my shorts and got ready for my big day. I knew this could be it for me. I wanted to make it count. I received a text from Kolby before I left the house. It said, "Please look pretty." Now, the pressure was on. I checked myself out, changed clothes three times, put on more blush and lipstick and hoped for the best!

I got to the school and she seemed pleased. She introduced me to her friends so I figured I'd passed. It was off to the Desert Museum. Yes, that's what I said. The Desert Museum. Where would you find one of these? Well, you guessed it. Right smack in the middle of the hot Arizona desert. For 3 1/2 hours, we walked around, in 98 degree weather looking at spiders, snakes, bees, havelinas, coyotes, lizards of every size, beetles, etc. etc.! But, I must say, it was worth it to me.

If I'm ever priviledged again to be invited on another field trip, I'll be honored to go. But, I sure hope it's to a movie.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Listen Before You Speak!

The other day as George, Kolby and I were hanging out, our home phone rang. I answered. It was a man asking for a Mr. Robinson. The only Mr. Robinson I've ever known was my dad and he resides in Heaven now.

Now, you have to understand something. Ever since our phone was hooked up, at least three times a week, we get a call for this guy. Apparently, this Mr. Robinson skipped town without paying his debts. Morning, afternoon and even late in the evening, a bill collector calls for this guy and on this day, darnit, I was determined to put a stop to it.

So, this guy says in a very nice manner, "Hello, can I speak with Mr. Thomas Robinson?" Well, that was it for me. I've had it! I went off on him. I said, "Look, I'm getting really tired of these calls every week. I tell you people the same thing every time you call! I've told you over and over again that no Mr. Robinson lives here, I've never met him, never talked to him, seen him or had one conversation with him! Do you think I'm lying?! You people have harassed me for the last time! Stop calling here! Do you understand what I'm saying?! Stop calling my house! Now, take this number off your call list because HE DOESN"T LIVE HERE ANYMORE!" I felt really proud of myself. This was it. I was going to save our family from one less interuption in our lives!
Kolby and George stared at me in disbelief. They couldn't believe their ears. I just smiled at them and thought they'd give me a high five. They didn't. I thought they'd be so proud of me. They weren't. Then, the unthinkable happened.

The sweet old guy on the other end says, "I am so sorry, mam. I'm not calling about any unpaid bills. I'm with the police benevolence fundraising team and we were just calling to see if Mr. Robinson would like to donate again this year to our cause. I didn't mean to bother you. Please pardon me. But, can I ask, if maybe your family would like to donate?" I took a deep breath, felt my cheeks turn red and managed to say, "Well, no, but thanks for calling."

George and Kolby just shook their heads. That was after they got off the floor from laughing.