Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Preachers Daughters" Season Finale Episode!

First of all, I must say thank you to all the loyal viewers of our show!  You have supported, loved and encouraged us with your hundreds of beautiful messages. The testimonies we've received from viewers has been unbelievable!  Just what we'd prayed for and we are humbled and forever grateful to all of you.  It has been a long ride, but one that we wouldn't have missed for anything!  The girls' and I had a blast doing this show!  If it's possible, it brought us even closer together.  We shared tears, laughter and arguments, but through it all, our love never waned and we are better today because of the experience!  Thank you again so much for falling in love with our family and taking this ride with us.  I came to love this precious show.  My prayer is that it will continue to help others, show the love of Christ and remind people that none of us are perfect, but we are forgiven.  I applaud Thinkfactory Media and Lifetime TV for showing bravery in making a show like this one.  I believe it's going to pay off in eternal ways.  I will always remember Season 1 with fond memories, excluding Ep 1 that is!  Ok, now on with the recap!

The Coleman Family:  Taylor is 18!  It's what she's been looking forward to all season long and now the day is here.  It's been precious to watch Taylor grow throughout Season 1 and even more so to witness Ken's grip slowly letting go.  When Ken cried during his interview, we cried right along with him.  It reminded me that the day of my youngest leaving will be here soon enough and I, well, I can't even go there right now.  I'm blessed to call Ken, Marie and Taylor our friends and look forward to hearing about what's coming next for their family.  Keep Ken in your prayers as he struggles with his health.  

The Perry Family:  So proud of Olivia.  Her baptism was so moving.  Kolby and I cried and celebrated along with the Perry Family as Olivia made this public committment to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I'm so blessed that this family's story touched the lives of so many young people who are or have been in crisis pregnancies.  It's never too late to turn your life around and Olivia proved that to everyone.  I love the Perry's and count it a privilege to call them friends.

Oh, the Koloffs:  I couldn't be more proud of my family and the people they are.  My girls' are unique, wonderful human beings.  I'm truly blessed to be their mother.  There are times I sit back and just stare at them when they're not looking and wonder how I ever could have been so lucky to have raised such amazing people who turned out so good, in spite of me and my misgivings.  But, I did.  They are exactly who you've come to know them to be throughout the show.  They are passionate, compassionate, loving, God fearing women who are intelligent and giving.

Kolby's date with Micah was precious.  I truly love that young man. They are getting along very well and continuing to keep their boundaries in check.  I'm so proud of how mature and respectful both of them have been regarding their relationship with eachother and with their parents.  They are 1st class teenagers and I'm glad to hear from so many of you that you look up to both of them as a great example of what Christian dating should look like.

Family Dinner?  I laughed so hard listening to everyone throwing everything on the table.  It was comical.  I had forgotten some parts of that night, but watching it on TV reminding me of how intense that night got.  But, when all is said and done, we are family.  The girls and I mess up and even hurt eachother sometimes, but we forgive and we move on.  That's who we are. 

Now that Season 1 has ended, I can tell you that I was so disappointed about a couple scenes we shot that didn't make "the cut".  The grand opening of our newest pregnancy center and my abortion testimony.  This made me incredibly sad and a little angry.  I was told it was too controversial and had to be pulled at the last minute.  I didn't understand this because I never took a political stand or made a judgement on the abortion issue.  I only told my story and how my abortion affected me.  I cried when I heard it wouldn't be aired.  We filmed the entire grand opening celebration of the center in Spring Hill and you weren't able to see one of the most moving scenes we filmed when I shared my complete abortion testimony with Kolby.  It was probably one of the most powerful moments the crew caught on camera, yet noone will get to see it.  She was so loving and gracious to me.  There's no doubt in my mind that it could have helped so many.  I also believe you'd have gotten to know me much better and understood more where I come from in regards to what I teach and believe.  I am attaching a shorter version of my testimony to this blog, so feel free to watch it.  Maybe some day in the future, Lifetime will decide to air that "lost" episode.  A girl can hope and pray!

Season 1 is behind us now.  I've been asked this question a hundred times since last night, "Is there going to be a S2?"  Well, all I can tell you right now is, we'll just have to wait and see.  For now, thank you again on behalf of the girl's and I.  Trust me, we are going to miss you too.

Until we meet again, take care and always remember that Jesus loves you and so do we!  We are the Koloff Women, one and only:)

Here's the link to my abortion testimony. I hope you take the time to watch it.  If you or someone you know has had an abortion, there's help for you!  Go to my website, or to hear more about an upcoming conference I'm involved with in helping men and women receive healing after experiencing an abortion.  God bless you!


Mother of a Miracle said...

I would like to say that I look up to you and your family!!!! I have grow up in a very religious family so when I see other people raise their children the same way my parents have raised me it gives me hope that this crazy world might have a chance! Life is hard when your a girl trying to find a respectful man but if I could give some advice to your readers don't give up, and don't give in to guys, it will be worth it in the end!!!! Don't do something that you will regret!!!!!
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!!!!! And I really enjoy reading your blog!!!


Unknown said...


I'd like to say I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I am proud of all 3 featured daughters, as your family. It's a crazy challenging world out there. Nikita and I have been friends for about 7 years, and I'm sorry I never got the chance to meet you. Keep Jesus in your heart, and continue to be His light in the darkness.

-Scott Erwin