Friday, March 15, 2013

Why Do A Reality Show?

This is a question I've been asked over and over again by reporters since the show was announced.  Although, no matter what my answer is, some people still won't understand.  And I get that.

This was not a decision we made lightly.  Nor, was it a decision I made alone.  All four of my daughters had to agree to do this together.  It was all of us or none of us.  When we were told that we were 1 of 3 families the network wanted, it was not until after much prayer and conversation that we decided to go for it.  I don't think we could have ever been prepared for how this decision would impact our lives nor change them.  Don't get me wrong, we knew criticism would come, but I won't pretend that the criticism from our "own", the Christian community, has been the most hurtful, brutal and unfair.  And we, as Christians, wonder why those who aren't believers are suspicious of our faith.  When Christians' are "throwing other Christians" under the bus, rather than showing love, grace and mercy, why would we wonder why our faith is despised?  So, why did we do it?  We had many reasons for making this decision.

First of all, and the most important reason was that we wanted to share our faith with others. Our faith in Jesus Christ is paramount in all of our lives. We are blessed that He loves imperfect people!  Our desire from day one has always been to show the churched and un-churched that Christian's are not perfect, but we do serve a perfect, loving, merciful and gracious God. 

There's so much "fake" and "masking" in the church today.  People pretending they've got it all together on Sunday mornings, only to be falling apart throughout the week.  If we aren't real with where we are with God, how can we ever expect things to change?  In my opinion, that kind of denial can be deadly.  I've always said, "people don't go to church because they've already been."

For years, Nikita, myself and even our girls felt it necessary to pretend to be the "perfect" family for the sake of the church.  Yet at home following the Sunday sermons, our family unit was crumbling. This is why when we went through our divorce, the church was stunned.  I can't tell you how many times I heard, "we thought you guys were the perfect family!"   Some Christians live in constant fear of being exposed for the normal struggles they face every day.  They're worried if the church found out who they really were, they would be rejected for not being the "perfect" Christian they tried so hard to be!  This should not be!  There are NO perfect Christians!  Zero.  And if you think you are one, I'd like to pray that lying demon out of you right now!  In the name of Jesus!

Secondly, our family is passionate about causes we believe in and we knew this show was a huge opportunity to educate viewers about them.  You will learn more about this in the weeks to come.

Thirdly, Nikita and I haven't been together for 8 years.   We've barely spoken in that time.  It hasn't been easy, but in the past year, we've made greater effort than we ever have to establish a new friendship with one another for the sake of our children. We got divorced, our children did not.  Our hope is that other families will relate to what we've gone through and through us can learn  (as we have the hard way!) that we rob our children of so much joy by becoming or staying enemies.  This isn't fair to them!  It is my hope that you will see this play out throughout the show as well.

Unfortunately, we have NO control over editing and how our family is represented.  This may have been naive, but filming is over now and there's not much I can do about it.  I haven't seen one finished episode.  Along with America, each week, with bated breath, I will watch and witness what and how our lives are presented.   I will not lie.  It will be highly disappointing to me if it doesn't turn out as promised.

I know who I am in Christ and I know who my wonderful daughters are in Him also.  We all share an undying love for Jesus.  We know what was filmed during the 6 weeks of filming and are each trusting that the love of our Father, our family and our faith will be displayed throughout "Preachers Daughters".  For now, I would ask that you pray for me and my family, not curse us.

So, why do a reality show?  Well, let me end with this.  The message of the Gospel has never changed in over 2000 years.  And it will never change.  Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday and forevermore.  But, I'm convinced that methods can and do change.  God CAN and does use media outlets like television to reach those hurting, lost or searching.  Have you seen Duck Dynasty or The Bible Series?!

As far as the judgement you may spew towards me or my family, how about we leave that between my family and the Lord?   I'm confident He will guide, lead and show us what direction He would want us to take as episodes unfold.

I've trusted Him for most of my life.  I'm not going to stop now.


TruSoulDJ said...

I pray that you get the results you're looking for. Also realize that often reality shows are edited in a way that certain negative actions/personalities are focused on.

Victoria said...

I am praying the exact same thing:) Thank you for your comment.

Mark Perry said...

Victoria, thank you for this explanation. We can see your heart. Well-said!

Shelby O'Neal said...

I love watching Preachers' Daughters ... I have watched it on look back like 20 times! I love watching your family bc I'm the same age as Kolby and I can somewhat relate to some of the things she goes through. God bless you guys and thank you for writting this! (:

Michele Perry said...


I watched the show initially to cheer on my friends who happen to share my last name, the Perry family. I believe the 3 of you may just be ranked among the bravest families I know.

I know a little about the whispers that come when others don't understand. Last year God had me handover a work in South Sudan I had started 6 years prior, just as it entered arguably the height of what many would call ministry success. More than one reason played into it, but the major one was my portion in heading up the direct field work was done, time to hand the baton the ones God had raised up. And if that didn't cause a stir in some arenas, my heavens! It still does.

Now, living in the USA, for the first time in my adult life to stay for a season... wow. I applaud your living brave and bold before those who will judge what they cannot understand. I have to admit, even though I have walked on occasion right into underage prostitute's rooms in brothels overseas to try and get them out, I don't think I have ever blushed more in an hour, right down to my toenails.

{Maybe it's because at 35, I still have never been on a date. My Grandma always said, never date a man you wouldn't marry. I guess I took her literally. He's out there bless him.}

Just know another Perry, in FL will be praying for you... all of you. That anything God doesn't want to be aired won't be and anything He does will find its way in. He's so good at that.

Praying, Michele {Perry}
Iris First Coast/Create 61

Victoria said...
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Victoria said...

Thank you for your beautiful message, your heart for the lost and your prayers. It is you who is the brave one. God bless you as you continue to fight the good fight. And thank you for keeping it real. Living comfortable has never been my style when it comes to Jesus. Time for Christians to understand that.

Unknown said...

I love the show and I am praying you get the results you are praying for with the show. Thank you for sharing what is in your heart. God bless your family.