I found out today that I've been given my pink slip. Today, President Obama's budget cuts were approved. Part of those cuts affect abstinence until marriage education because our President, Mr. Obama, doesn't believe in it. Being that he's so liberal and surrounded himself with such company (look at his cabinet), this doesn't come as a surprise to me, nor did it to my staff. We knew that when this man was put in office, the clock was ticking, not only for the unborn, but for abstinence education. We knew this from the company that he keeps. Mr. Obama plays in the sandbox with some nasty people, including those of Planned Parenthood, who despise abstinence education. If we teach teenagers the importance of abstaining from sex outside marriage, it would hurt their $billion dollar a year business called abortion. So, as of September, 2010, myself and my staff will have to find new jobs. That gives us approximately 15 months to keep making a difference.
I have been involved in abstinence education for over 10 years and I can tell you that our President and all his liberal friends are wrong.
I'd like to see Mr. Obama tell the student at a high school where I presented the abstinence until marriage message that it's a waste of our tax dollars and time. This particular student came to me after an assembly and said, "I want you to know that you came here my freshman year. It was a Wednesday. My boyfriend and I had plans to have sex for the first time the following Saturday. Because of what you taught me that day, I cancelled those plans. I'm a senior now and I'm graduating next month as a virgin. Thank you. You saved me from making a huge mistake." Go ahead, Mr. Obama, explain to her that abstinence education doesn't work. I would bet this young woman would call you a liar.
Or tell it to the young man who was relieved in learning that just because he wanted to wait to have sex until marriage, didn't mean he was gay. Or how about the countless young girls who cried as I told them it was never too late to change their behavior and they weren't washed up goods because they'd already engaged in pre-marital sex.
So, what is it you want us to do, Mr. Obama? Teach these kids how to wear condoms, put them on birth control or the patch?
The abstinence until marriage message is not just about pregnancies and STD's, Mr. Obama. It's about morals and values. It's about self esteem and self value. It's about protecting teenagers from getting their hearts broken, ruining their reputations, feeling no sense of worth, feeling used, washed up, guilty or ashamed. What are you and your liberal friends so afraid of? You don't give these kids enough credit. We don't have a generation of kids who don't want the best for themselves? When have you been out there talking to them, face to face, like I and so many like me have been? They want to hear the truth! They want people to care enough about them to tell it to them! Do you have any idea how high the statistics are of teenagers who've engaged in pre-marital sex trying to commit suicide?!
You're missing it, Mr. Obama. And a generation of our kids are going to pay for your ignorance.
I am appauled!!!! Ok, we need to start a "grass roots" effort to keep alive your important your, and more importantly God's message alive). Suffer not the little children! It's time for God's people to rise up and fight for the morals that this country was founded on!!!!
Honey - I've seen you speak many times now and have seen these kids approach you afterwards with concerns about their decisions; both to stay abstinent and to give themselves up. I wonder what Osama Obama would say to those kids and how he would cousel them on their decisions? As a father and your loving husband, the environment you create for these kids to talk about their fears and offload their sorrows always brings me to my emotional knees. Do NOT give up, because you are Blessed and have been given a talent to do God's special work.
The moral fabric of this country is frail enough as it is. At this point in time, it could be described as seriously frayed and perhaps even badly torn. But for the President of the United States to make decisions such as this on behalf of American citizens, especially those not old enough to cast a vote against him, is a travesty and unforgivable. I'm ashamed to be a citizen of the country that Acorn and all the other Liberal pigs have put into the hands of a terrorist in sheeps clothing!
My parting words to the President: "Mr. President, the next time you address this nation and then close your speech, please do not use the phrase 'May God Bless America', because the God you know is NOT the moral and righteous God that I know". Instead, try something like, "May God's hand sweep me off the public stage before I destroy this great country and set us on an irreversible course with doom and destruction".
May 8, 2009 6:32 PM
You are so right George....I am just amazed that such a decision can be made by the so called President. He has spent trillions and then he so called cuts/saves 17billion...whoop-te-do-da....it is also sad that Miss California is being dragged through the ringer for stating her opinion about marriage between a man and a woman....a sad day has come to this country already when this happens....a very sad day. I think the Lord is planning his return soon.....love to you guys.
I am sorry you lost your job.I know how much you loved it!
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