Change. Life is full of change. Some we're ready for, others probably not. And then there are those changes that take you completely by surprise! When you least expect them.
That's happened to me recently. It's been quite shocking, to say the least and I will be writing more in the very near future, but let me just say this. This was the kind of pleasant surprise that you welcome with open arms, even if they're trembling! The kind of surprise that you know has to be from God. The ones from Him are always the best!
Doesn't it seem that when you finally become satisfied with where you are in life and accept whatever that means that that's when the best things just happen! When we finally let go and let God, He takes over and does the most wonderful things!
I am feeling very happy as of late. No, my life's not perfect. I still have my challenges, but something has changed. Not only in my life, but in me. I have experienced the "peace that passes all understanding" many times throughout my life and today is no different. As I mature as a human being, I am realizing what this truly means.
Yes, lately, I've been smiling so much that my jaws hurt! But, no complaints here! It's all good. I'm not naive. I know hard days are inevitable and life will be life, but today, I just want to smile. Because who knows what tomorrow, next week or next month will bring.
Life is short, my friends. We need to strive to find something good in others and in our lives everyday. If you look hard enough, you'll find the blessings that surround you. Sometimes, you don't have to look too hard at all. They are everywhere. So, come on, do it!
Just smile.
These days, I am. And darn glad I decided to use those Crest White Strips!
All this time, Vic, I thought it was that Dentyne you were chewing that was making your smile so bright! You know that what I'm about to say I mean genuinely and from my heart; if it's a man making you soooooo happy, I want to have a talk with him 'cuz he has no idea how lucky he is and if he EVER "does you wrong" (as they say in North Cackalacky), he'll have me to reckin' with!! If it's NOT a man.....well, this is suppose to be G-rated!
Well I guess I am starting to see a pattern ,- I guess he is going to always comment first, then I better get up earlier.Does he not know that I am always going to be first? Oh he has a lot to learn!Let's hope he is a quick study:)
PS I am smiling right now:)hubby coming home tonight;)wink wink!
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