Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

It's Easter today and I just attended a beautiful, outdoor service at my sister's church with my family. The music was inspiring and the message was simple, yet profound. I can say with conviction that if I lived near my sister, I would have found a home church today.

There's something very special about Easter. Even the people you haven't seen since Christmas show up for the Easter Sunday Services! It's almost as though, instinctually, as human beings, we are aware that there's something wonderful about this day.

Pastor Mike's message wasn't your "typical" Easter message. I'm sure you know the one. When the Pastor reads all about how Jesus died on a cross for our sins and was raised from the dead on the third day and He is coming back to get His church, etc. This is a powerful message and yes, this is all true, but his message took a slightly different turn.

For me, Mike's message was a reminder of how good God is and that if we will allow Him to live in our hearts, we can get through anything. He talked about who or what we are on the inside will eventually show up on the outside. Good comes out of us when we allow ourselves to be filled with the things of God, just as bad things will come out of us if we're filled with evil.

For instance, if we are filled with anger, resentment, bitterness, fear, hopelessness or hate, this will eventually show up on the outside through our actions or attitudes. But, when we are filled with compassion, goodness and love, it will show up in the same way! This is so true! I know from my own personal experience had it not been for the fact that Jesus lives inside of me, I may have fallen apart a long time ago. There's something very comforting with the peace of knowing that no matter what life brings, God will see me through. I know this for a fact.

As I listened to Pastor Mike, I reflected on the things that have happened in my own life in the past. I realized that in challenging situations, I've always had two choices. #1: To become better or bitter and #2: To continue serving Him or not. At that moment, I knew I'd made the right choices. And that brought a big smile to my face! Not because it's always been easy, but I felt proud of the fact that I've allowed God to work in me and through me, despite my circumstances. I may have a meltdown from time to time, but it doesn't take me long to get a grip and acknowledge the fact that God really does live in me. He cares much more than I do about where I'm going and I'm confident that He's going to help me get there.

We may not be perfect, but because of what He did for all of us a little over 2000 years ago, we are forgiven! We truly are works in progress! That, my friends, is something to celebrate! And, not just on Easter Sunday!

1 comment:

The Pilot's Wife said...

I had a great Easter visit with you and Kolby! It was so much fun:) three months and 1 week til beach!!! can't wait.