Saturday, December 10, 2016

It's a Mindset

Friends, if I've said this once, I'll say it a thousand more times!  Being single is NOT a death sentence, a plague or the worst thing that could ever happen to you.  It's also not the most depressing, sad, pathetic position you could find yourself in.  (Some of you need to watch the nightly news and get over yourself).  Just sayin'.

It's tragic to me how many people, including some of my friends, become so depressed sitting around toiling over not being part of a couple.  Personally, I think it's much more depressing to be in a "couple" situation which brings heartache and misery.  I always say, "it's better to be single than wish you were".  I'm not trying to be insensitive.  I get it.  Some of you have been waiting a long time. But, life is short.  You decide how you live it in the midst of your circumstance.

So, single friends, listen up!  I understand it can be lonely sometimes, but if you truly have a faith which promises "God gives us the desires of our hearts", then fear no more!  Because if your desire is to be married one day (or again), it's not a question of "if" this will happen, it's "when".

So, in the waiting, why not make the most of it?  Here are just a few suggestions.

Spend more time with God.
Find a Church.
Learn to know yourself better.
Figure out your purpose.
Dance around the house naked (works best with 70's music for me!).
Leave the door open when you use the toilet.
Sing loudly, not just in the shower.
Take up a hobby.
Learn a new craft.
Take trips.
Visit historical places.
Go to a Museum.
Go to the Library.
Spend time cultivating the relationships you already have in your life.
Spend quality time with friends, children or grandchildren.
Take up a sport.
Go on a hike.
Sleep in.
Eat out.
Learn how to cook.
Go to a concert.
Go to a movie.
Take a new job.
Skip that shower today (just today!).
Don't wear make-up.
Gain those extra few pounds (just not too many!).
Splurge on yourself.
Watch those Hallmark Movies.
Watch Sports all day.
Leave those dishes in the sink.
Pray for your future mate daily.
Start living.
Don't miss out on your life.

My point?  Being single is what you make of it.  Your "person" is out there and will show up right on time.  When he/she does, you'll have someone else to consider than yourself, so why not enjoy some "you" time while you have plenty of opportunity to do so?

For whatever reason, accept this is God's plan for you right now.  It's a season. He really does know what He's doing.  I mean, He is God, after all.

If you're a woman, stop pursuing a man.  Begin developing the self-esteem you need to help you understand you're worth being pursued.

If you're a man, suck it up, stop being a coward and ask her out!  If she says no, it's not the end of the world!

Above all, trust God.  Trust He knows what and who is best for you.  He knows when you're both ready for one another.  Your "person" is coming.  That "person" deserves a "whole" you.  He/She needs you to be ready when you find one another.

In the meantime, enjoy your "alone" time because one day, believe it or not, you'll miss it.

I'm going back to bed now.  :)

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