The horrific tragedy which has taken place at the Disney World Resort has rocked my world. A beautiful, 2 year old boy vacationing with his parents and sister at a Disney Resort is wading in the water of a man made lake on the property, while his father stands beside him. Other guests relax on lounge chairs nearby, waiting for the fireworks to begin. The child's mother and sister are close by as the unimaginable happens. In an instant, this little boy is snatched up by an alligator and being dragged under the water. His frantic father tries to wrestle his son away from the alligator, but the creature is too much for this, or any man, to handle. Helplessly, this father is made forced to watch as his son is taken away to a sure death, while his mother is screaming for help. It's a literal horror movie in real time.
Who could fathom being on summer vacation enjoying time outside your resort as you're waiting for fireworks to begin, that an alligator would come out of the water, grab your baby, drag him under it and take him? In a few short seconds, these lives were forever altered. I shutter every time I think about it.
As a grandmother of a 2 year old, I can't stop thinking about this beautiful, little blue eyed boy named Lane, who was most likely talking, enjoying his family, laughing and making funny sounds or faces, embracing life. This age is so much fun, as I cherish every moment I spend with my little grandson Shepard, who is the same age.
I think about this little boys' own "Mimi", who, of course, adored him and most likely had a special relationship with him, as I do my own grandson. I think about his big sister who loved having a baby brother and I imagine this little boy's excited face each day when his big sissy came home from school. I can picture him running to his Daddy when he'd return home from work or wanting his Mommy to rock him to sleep. These are the moments I've witnessed in our own family since Shepard has come into our lives, so I can't help believe this family experienced the same.
This is an unbelievably, shocking, horrendous, tragic accident, yet I've seen so many cast blame on these parents saying things like, "Where were his parents?" or "I would never have let that happen to my child!"
If you're one of those so hungry for the blame game, have at it. You have lots to choose from because there are plenty of neglectful parents in the world. Try blaming the parents who drive drunk or high with their children in the car, who pay the ultimate price for their parent's selfish mistake. Go ahead and blame the parents who physically, emotionally or sexually assault their children. These parents deserve a special place in hell. Or how about the parents who leave their children home alone to party all night and a fire breaks out and kills them all. I could go on and on. Unfortunately, there are plenty of stories I could list here. But, blaming these parents for what happened to their son is outrageous and deplorable to me. This was a horrible, unfortunate accident, yet some of you get off demonize them? You self-righteous, pathetic trolls! In my opinion, you are deviant, vile and despicable and I'm so sick of you and fed up with your holier than thou, perfect parent, pompous, know-it-all, attitude!
This could have been any of us. This beach is very inviting to its guests, with lounge chairs for relaxing by the water, giving off a false sense of security. Nowhere were signs indicating the dangers that lurked beneath the water, only a few feet away.
This little boy could have been your son or grandson. Yet, some of you continue to villianize his parents? Have you no compassion in your heart?! It's no wonder the country we reside is continues to prove it's filled heartless people. Your wicked comments say much more about who you are as a person than these parents, whom you choose to criticize.
Incidents like this child's death or even the shootings that took place just a few days prior at The Pulse Nightclub in Orlando remind us what a cruel world we live in. And, I'm not just talking about the sick, evil, demented shooter. I'm talking as well of those who've cast judgement and hatred towards those killed making idiotic comments such as "they deserved it" or "this is God's wrath on gay people"! The families of these loved ones will never be the same. They are in excruciating pain, yet some people have no problem adding to their misery by passing unfair judgement or offering their insensitive remarks.
I ask myself. How will these parents ever get the image of an alligator snatching their baby boy out of their mind? The pain I've experienced for this family has been overwhelming and I don't even know these people! I can't imagine their own. How do you go home from visiting the "happiest place on earth" without your baby?! How do you walk into his bedroom, see his clothes or toys?! How?! I can't even comprehend it.
Yet, some people have even demanded DSS investigate these parents and take their daughter away, claiming them unfit? I've read way too many harsh comments towards these parents and they've enraged me. One from an ignorant woman encouraging Disney World to sue this child's parents for bringing bad press to their resort?! Who the hell are you people?! This family is going to need support beyond anything we can imagine, not judgment or condemnation!
You so-called "quarterback parents" are brave behind your computers and so quick to judge. I wonder how many of you are parents at all! I'd like to pose a question to you. If one day you had the opportunity to meet these parents or others like them who've lost children in tragic accidents, would you be so brash to their face to say the same things you quickly type away safely on your computer? You coward! I think not. These parent's are NOT to blame for any of this. I would put the blame where it belongs, on Disney World.
If I saw a "No Swimming" sign on a beach where families were gathered, movies were playing and pools surrounded us, I'd believe the sign was there because lifeguard's weren't around. Unless I was properly informed, I would NEVER believe it was because alligator's could snatch my child off the shore! There were NO warning signs about the danger of alligator's being in the area. NONE.
But, some of you still want to blame these grieving parents? If that's what is in your heart, I would say you need as much prayer for your cold heart, as this family does for their grief. I'm asking you to search your heart, admit you're wrong and please pray for this family, without condemning them.
Recently, it was reported Disney knew about the risk and dangers of the alligators all along? They knew they were in the water and had been warned something like this could happen, yet they did NOTHING!?
These parent's aren't to blame for what happened to their son. The blame lies elsewhere.
Shame on you, Walt Disney World.
Shame on you, Poser of Perfect Parenting
Shame on all of you.
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