Sunday, November 18, 2012


"Sometimes "I'm sorry" just isn't good enough anymore."

When someone continues to repeat the same inappropriate behaviors over and over again, it's time to realize there's a pretty good chance they most likely aren't going to stop.  That's when, for some, it becomes decision time.  Keep putting up with it, accept it or move on. 

People, we can try and twist facts to make it the truth to fit what we need it to be all day long, but it still doesn't make it the truth.  Think about this.  In this day and time, anything and everything we do or say is documented and recorded.  This is why I beg teenagers, especially my own daughters, to be careful what they put on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media outlet. 

I'm sure the head of the CIA and his mistress thought their initial "innocent" emails and flirting couldn't get them into trouble.  It did!  Then, they thought their correspondence wouldn't be discovered.  It was.   When you play with fire, you will get burned.  

People like to flirt with eachother around the workplace, convincing themselves it's innocent or maybe they'll dabble in pornography, etc, believing noone is going to get hurt.  Those behaviors may feed a need for attention or an inflated ego, but I wonder how those same people would act if they were aware their significant others were watching or had access to those email conversations.  Hmmmm?

Think about it.  If even the head of the CIA gets caught having an affair, do we actually believe we're capable of getting away with anything these days?  Nope, I think not.

So, why not come clean and stay clean.  Then, there's nothing to worry about.  Wow, sounds like a concept and integrity to me!

And the truth shall set you free:).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That'll preach, friend!!! Thank you!