There's no question. We live in a culture obsessed with sex and looks. The young want to look sexy and older. The older want to look sexy and younger. It's insane!
I'm a grandmother. I know I don't look like a grandmother and I LOVE that I don't look like a grandmother. So, please don't hear what I'm not saying. I take no issue with looking our best and taking care of ourselves. I'm a witness! But, when our appearance becomes more important to us than who we are as a human being? Well, that's just tragic.
A birth certificate doesn't lie. You may look younger when you look in a mirror, but don't let that piece of glass fool you. Your body is changing with each day. And it's aging.
I'll say it again. There's nothing wrong with looking your best. These days, some 40 year old men and women have better bodies than 20 year old's and Mom's look like their daughter's sister, rather than the women who birthed them! Personally, I admit, I get that alot. I savor the moments when people tell my girls "your mom looks like she's your sister!" I smile and enjoy those comments because I know it won't always be that way. I take pride in the fact that I do my best to look my best, but, I'm not obsessed. There's a difference.
In my work, I travel the country speaking to literally thousands of women at conferences, I do book signings, speak at fundraisers and in churches. I've met these people. They believe if they were skinnier, prettier, or more talented, they'd be happier. It's just not true. There are drop dead beautiful women all over the world, who are some are the most miserable people I've ever met! Obsessing with looks is not the answer to happiness, but I guarantee that feeling good about who you are is a great beginning! No amount of make-up or the newest shade of pink lipstick is going to change how you feel about yourself by looking great on the outside if you're dying on the inside.
Some people are convinced it's that next procedure that will finally make them feel worthy and good about the person they see in the mirror. They tell themselves, "when I have this or that done" or "if I could just lose 10 lbs" or "if I could afford yoga classes" or "if I had money for a personal trainer", I would feel better about who I am. NO! You won't. That revelation comes from within! There are no short cuts!
Be honest with yourself. How do you see you? What kinds of things do you say to yourself? Who do you really believe you are?
If your answers aren't positive, what are you willing to do to change that? Do not be mistaken. Eventually, time will catch up to you. You won't be able to stop gravity or that thinning hairline, no matter how much money you spend. The affects of age will catch up to all of us. Then, what are we left with?
Seriously you guys. I have nothing against looking your best, but how about feeling your best too? Why not have both?! There are some very beautiful women who walk around with no self-confidence and it takes away from their beauty. I just want to slap them!
Insecurity is ugly. If we would spend as much time working on ourselves than in a mirror, at the gym or under the knife, we'd be more beautiful than we've ever imagined.
So, how about it? Do you want to look and feel your best? From the inside out? Then, try reading a book once in a while or try writing one (I'm almost done with my second). See a therapist if you have issues to deal with (I did and still do once in awhile). Develop a spiritual life (I have). Forgive others (not easy, but well worth it). Get rid of toxic people that are in your life (I did). Be single than wish you were (one of the best things I did!). Say something nice to yourself (daily). Pick up good habits (a daily goal).
Look, I haven't arrived by any means, but here's what I do know. I may not be where I need to be, but thank God, I'm not where I used to be either.
Yes, it takes work, but the rewards are worth it. What if you really are as amazing as those who love you say you are?
Wow. Sounds pretty beautiful to me:)