Saturday, June 23, 2012


I love checking the stats of my blog every few days to see how many of you are actually reading it.  I enjoy writing, it's a form of therapy for me.  At the moment, I'm working on my 2nd book called "They Lied to Us Too".  My first book, "They Lied to Us" is filled with stories from women who had an abortion themselves or were involved in making one happen.  This second book will come from the man's perspective of how an abortion impacted his life.

Are you a post-abortive man?  Did your wife, girlfriend or someone you know have an abortion?  Did you take her, talk her into it, pay for it or just know about it and somehow it's affected your life?  Do you have a story to tell?  Abortion can affect everyone involved, not just the woman having it.  Maybe as a man you didn't think it would have any type of consequence for you and you've found out through the years that it did.

If you're a man and you want your story to be heard, please contact me.  You can remain anonymous if you choose.  You can change the names in your story if you like.  All I ask is that you're honest.  You can write it yourself or I'll be happy to "interview" you, hear your story and write it for you.  But, I need you and others need to hear from you too.

Have I piqued your interest?  Would you like to hear more?  There's no obligation once you get in touch with me.  So, if you're willing to hear more about the book and how you can be involved, please email me at  Your story could help someone.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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