My next question is, "So, tell me what you know about "Comprehensive Sex Ed" (CSE)?" Without fail, the answer is the same. "Well, that's when you teach teens about condoms. Teens need to know about condoms, and how to use them, so they know how to prevent pregnancy and STD's. Abstinence-Til-Marriage (ATM) Programs just want to tell them not to have sex and guilt them into not doing it! ATM Programs don't work!" Well, bring it on, Mr. and Mrs. KIA (Know It All's!).
After 10 minutes with me, parent's get an ear full and I can't deny I've probably pissed off more than a few of them. You see, until parents wake up and do the research I've done, they shouldn't pretend to be experts. Don't tell me my business when you don't know what you're talking about. That's like me giving directions to a brain surgeon while he/she's performing brain surgery. That patient would be better off taking cyanide. The end result would be the same.
Groups like Planned Parenthood have been trying to "sneak" CSE Programs into our schools for years. They do it under the guise that "we teach abstinence education" too. It looks like, (thanks again to Barrack Husseim Obama), that they're closer to winning than ever before. Our current President has very close ties to Planned Parenthood. He's in bed with them, if you will. He knew all along that once he reached the White House, one of the first things he'd take care of was ATM Education. And he did it. This administration wasted no time in taking funding away from Abstinence-Til-Marriage Education and handing the funds ($125 million) to CSE Programs.
So, here's another question I have for parents. What do you really know about CSE? Do you think because the CSE Programs tell you "we teach abstinence", that it's true? Sure, they'll spend as long as it takes to say "sure, abstinence is best", but 99% of their teaching is on everything else but waiting to have sex. You see, it's big business. Planned Parenthood doesn't make money unless teenage girls need abortions. They despise ATM Programs. It sounds sick, doesn't it? Too bad it's true. Our government would never allow this? Oh, really? Get a clue.
Are you OK with your kindergartner learning about pleasuring themselves? Are you OK with your pre-teens showering together? Is mutual masturbation between two teenagers acceptable to you? Especially if it's your teenager doing the pleasuring of another? Because that's part of the teachings of CSE.
ATM Education has always taught teenagers both the pros and cons of condoms, while CSE Programs just hand them out and give them the false security of the "safe sex" b.s. ATM Education teaches kids to value themselves and that it's OK to wait. ATM teaches the truth that waiting is the safest form of sex in every way, physically, mentally, spiritually and psychologically. ATM Education doesn't judge and helps those kids who've already gone too far realize that it's never too late to change, no matter how far they've gone. ATM teaches teenagers what a healthy relationship looks like.
Mr. and Mrs. KIA, until you've done the research, or been on the front lines for 15 years like I have, looked into the thousands of faces of pre-teens/teens that I've met, who feel used, dirty, guilty and ashamed because of a decision to engage in sexual activity, keep your mouth shut. And, don't, I say don't, tell me my business when you don't know what you're talking about.
So, make sure and do your research Mom and Dad. Find out what's being taught in your schools. Ask to see copies of the curriculum, sit in on their sex education classes. Get involved. It's only your kids lives we're talking about here.
Cause, you can't plead ignorance anymore.