Last Thursday, October 2, I got the surprise of my life! One of the best I've ever had.......ever! I was tricked to leave my office by my Admin Asst Andrea and when I returned, guess who walked out of my office! Teryn and my Lil Pooks!
A week earlier, Teryn purchased a plane ticket from Nashville, called George, gave him a list of what he needed to pick up (car seat, bathtub and diapers) and the plan was set. My Lil Pooks was on her way, with her Mommy to see Mimi!
I have her with me for 12 days........12 days!! This is the easy part. The hard part will be when I have to put them on a plane next Tuesday. My blog won't be so cheerful then.
But, for today, I'm sitting on the couch watching as my granddaughter watches "Sid the Science Kid". For now, I'm in "Mimi Heaven". :)
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