mi hermana
Yesterday we were just little girls, Today we are married and considered adults
We used to vote who got to pick what game we played, Now we are old enough to vote in the election
The highlight of our life was playing "Mickey Mouse Club"
Now we are old enough to have kids who want to watch that show
Life used to be nothing but school and games
I may be working at a school next year
You were always admirable and so gorgeous to me
Now to this to day....nothing has changed
I always wanted your curly hair, Now I have learned how to mimic it
We had that stupid Elephant in our shower
To this day, I have never seen another one
The days of bunk beds
Pretty soon, we will tuck our own kids to bed
I never cared what we played as long as I played with you
you seemed to always have the great ideas!
I always thought we would stay kids
Now, we are old enough to buy alcohol and drink!
We have had good times and bad
We have gone through close times and not so close
As we get older, I start to feel closer
Even though I thought we would always be kids
I had buck teeth, you had a gap
I cut my bangs too short, You cut my eyebrow OFF!
You wanted a jeep...you got a Cressida
I wanted a Honda...I got a Dodge Spirit
We sang Vanilla Ice
Probably made up the greatest dance of all times
But I seriously never thought those days were going to end
New Year's last year we belted "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!"
So those days are not too long
We are older now and continuing to grow up
And again...I ALWAYS thought we would be kids
But we are kids no more, we are women
We are wives, we are friends, we were always sisters
And I knew we always would beAnd we are....i love you ter
Tawni, I know how much you love and admire Teryn. You always have. Don't sell yourself short, my Bear. You are both equally as wonderful. And, I should know. I'm your Mommy.
You have to be sooo proud of your girls....what great women they have become. That is a beautiful poem.
Much love you guys way!!
We are all kick ass if you ask me...i just have more to kick than some do...lol....love you and miss you....
Vic! I am so happy for you girl! I am so excited to see your new joy and found forever love!
I was wanting to hook up with u, God is speaking to me about starting a website for young teen girls aimed at purity - n it be a place of support and love and restoration - no matter where they are on the path...but to encourage and give support and reason to be pure. I am not finding ANY such sites. Do you know of some? I was also wondering if you are still speaking? When you have time can you hook up with me? nana duke 714 at hot mail dot com :)
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