A couple years ago, I made a bucket list (see my Bucket List Blog). God willing, I will check them off before I'm gone. Coming in at #11 was seeing the "Eagles" live in concert. At my age, you'd have thought I'd been to one of their concerts by now, but it's just never worked out. So, when I found out they were coming to Nashville, I was determined to be there. I absolutely love living in Tennessee. The greatest concerts play here every week! Well, nothing was going to stop me from attending this concert. Although, it almost did, fate wouldn't have it.
With my hectic schedule over the past several months, it had slipped my mind to buy tickets. When I realized this oversight, I immediately began my exhaustive search online to find them. No luck, it was sold out. Although that was disappointing, I was determined. I mean, have you met me?!
As a single woman, if there's a movie I want to see, I go. If there's a restaurant I want to try, I go. If there's a museum I want to tour, I go. A vacation I want to take, I take it. I like hanging out with me, so I have no issue going somewhere by myself. However, I admit, that a concert is the one event I'd never done alone. But, this was the Eagles! And there's a first time for everything.
As I got myself ready, my oldest daughter, Teryn, asked where I was going. I answered, "To the Eagles concert." She said, "Oh, good, you finally got your ticket?!" Nope.
When I explained to her that I was determined to be at that concert, she wasn't surprised. She knows me well:). She told me to have a great time and be careful. I was on my way.
Since I was already committed to a 7pm radio interview, I knew I'd have an hour before the music started at 8. I had it all worked out in my head. First, find a parking space downtown and do the interview in my car. Secondly, walk safely to the Bridgestone. Thirdly, visit the ticket counter for a great seat! Then, just sit back, sing my heart out and enjoy.
My interview was over at 7:55. I had 5 minutes. Parking paid, $25.00, I began the two block walk to the arena. There were people walking alongside me, with that same grin on their face! Conversations took place all around. It was like we were all old friends. You could sense the anticipation and excitement in the cold, crisp air of Downtown Nashville. It was the Eagles for gosh sakes! As I struck up a conversation with a group of friends who'd arrived together, a guy in the group said to me, "Let me get this straight. You came to Downtown Nashville to see a sold out Eagles concert, you don't have a ticket and you're alone?" Yup. That is correct. "Well, you've got $%#@!" So, I've been told.
As we waved good-bye and the group wished me luck, I made my way to the ticket counter. The nice lady said, "Can I help you?" I told her I needed a ticket and wasn't leaving without one. She asked, "Are you alone?" Yes. "You came here by yourself?" Yes! (Jeez, people!). "Well, that takes a lot of guts, so I'm going to do my best to find you a great seat!" And, that, she did. So, $120 bucks later, I had a great seat. As I made my way to the arena, I ran into some great friends! Here's a picture with Scott, who was there with his fiance', Sara and their friends. When he saw me, he showed me a text he'd just received from my daughter, Teryn, who knew he'd be there. It said, "Hey, if you see some crazy woman trying to get a ticket, it's my Mom!" That was pretty funny.
My heart was racing because I was so excited. I did it! I was here! I'm not going to lie, I felt a bit emotional! I had a feeling I would most likely cry, or at the least, tear up when I saw Don, Glenn, Joe, Tim, and the rest of the guys. (No judging, please!). My seat was so close, I could almost smell their cologne. It was absolutely one of the best nights of my life! (I know I need to get out more!). I met new friends (who were also shocked I came alone), who graciously included me in their experience, and were great dancing and singing partners. The sweet ladies beside me thought I was way too young to even know who the Eagles were, let alone have every song memorized. I was flattered.
It was a night I'll never forget! Not only did I hear and see one of my favorite bands of all time, I proved to myself once again that "in the waiting", single people shouldn't cease to live their lives just because they are in a season of "partner-less"! I refuse to sit by and watch life pass me by, just because I'm not someone's other half at the moment.
No matter what stage of life you're in, don't waste it by being a spectator. I know many singles and even couples who don't have as much fun doing life together, as I do by myself. Get off the couch, go live! There's so much to do and experience. Enjoy this short life you've been given while you can! What a waste it would be to do nothing with it.
I look forward to my next adventure. And, although, I'm not against taking a date with me places, having one or not having one is not going to determine whether I go or not. I want to always strive to be that person who says, "I'm glad I did", not, "I wish I had". Do the things that bring you joy.
What's next? "Chicago?", "Elton John", "Paul McCartney", "Billy Joel". Hey, I'm up for it:)
(FYI: I originally posted this in 2013, but being I'm on my way tonight to see them again, I thought it was worth a re-post. Although, some things are different. Glenn won't be there and is no longer with us (which sucks!), his magic and music will live on through his son, whose joined the band. And, another change? This time, I won't be going alone. :)