Our family started with Chad and Teryn deciding to renew their wedding vows! Whoohooo! You'll see some of the beautiful ceremony during next week's Season Finale. Don't miss it!
Filming tonight's episode was a blast! We had so much fun! And, we literally knew nothing about the "pizza guy"! You didn't see this on camera, but when I saw how my girls reacted when they realized there wasn't any pizza in his box, I laughed so hard that I almost peed in my pants! Kolby jumped behind the couch, Kendra couldn't take her hands away from her face, Tawni was screaming and Teryn ran to her room. After I stopped laughing and realized how upset Teryn was, I took action. You may be into the whole "stripper" scene, but we aren't. We won't judge you if you are, so don't judge us because we're not!
Our family absolutely loves being together. We always have a blast. So, this night was no exception. It's hard to believe that Season 2 is almost over. Whether there's a Season 3 or not, (we don't know), or which families come back, we've had a great time the past two years. For the most part, it's been a fun experience. You've only be able to see minutes from months and hours of filming. There's absolutely NO way to see everything, which is too bad because there were so many tender moments you didn't get to see. My most favorite scene was sharing my abortion testimony with Kolby. It was so powerful and to this day, I believe it could have helped so many men and women who are dealing with the decision to have an abortion. You can see my testimony online on YouTube if you or someone you know needs encouragement.
Too many times to count, so many of you have written to express your appreciation for our family, our vulnerabilities, honesty and raw emotion that we've shown during both seasons. Thank you so much for letting us know how blessed you've been by our family. We appreciate it more than we can ever say.
Well, next week is the final episode. You won't want to miss it. Our family has some beautiful moments. Can't wait!
Be sure to visit our website, www.TheKoloffs.com and check out Kolby's "Be Free" EP on ITunes!
And be watching next Wednesday night at 9/8c on Lifetime for "Preachers Daughters"!