As a young, single, mother of two small children, I found myself in a crisis pregnancy. The only option I was given at the time was to have an abortion. I believed, like so many others, that since our own government said it was safe, it was a decision that I could live with. I was wrong.
Although, I have come to a place of restitution with my decision to have an abortion, it's still one that I will regret for the rest of my life.
My passion for the work that I do stems from that fateful day 25 years ago when I walked into a Planned Parenthood Clinic and allowed the doctor and nurses to take the life of my own child. They never asked me if I was sure this was what I wanted to do. They never told me my child was anything more than a "blog of tissue". They only said there was nothing wrong with this decision and it would not affect me in any way. They lied. Immediately following my abortion, from the very moment I slid off the table, my life has never been the same.
Of the millions who've lost their lives since abortion became legal, how many doctors, politicians, teachers, parents, firefighters, military or policemen have we lost that could have had a positive impact on this country?
Maybe the man or woman who would have cured breast cancer, the politician who could have made a real difference in the world, the firefighter or policeman who could have saved the life of a child or the teacher who would have instilled greatness in a child who had no hope are among those that have perished? So many lives snuffed out that that will never be heard from again.
I believe in a woman's right to choose, I really do. But, she deserves to know all the facts. When Roe v. Wade was legalized, it should have also been mandatory that every woman making that decision had to view an ultrasoiund of her child BEFORE she made that final determination.
There is NO doubt in my mind that had I been able to see an ultrasound of my baby at 6 weeks, I would have heard and seen my child's heartbeat and realized he was alive. That one act could have saved my child's life.