I have a great family. I'm crazy about them. Our family is the type of family that everyone loves to be around. We have so much fun together, it's hard to believe we're related! We even like eachother (well, most of the time)! My own sister is my best friend and my brother still looks after me and promises he'll kick the butt of any man who hurts me!
In our family, when someone has news of any kind, it's big news! So beware. If you tell anyone in our family anything that's anything, you can bet we're on a mission. We are so competitive that we want to be the first one to tell the other one the news. We'll be on the phone within minutes.
A week ago, I made my daily call (ok third of the day) to my sister Brenda, who had some big news of her own. As I was rambling on and on about my day (as usual), my brother in law, Bob took the phone from my sister's hand. He said "blah blah blah" nobody here cares about your day!" I said, "Shut up and put my sister back on the phone! I don't want to talk to you!" (This is what we do, Bob and I. Hey, it works for us! Has for over 16 years!) Anyway, he went on to say, "I have some BIG news, do you want to hear it or not?" I said, "Whatever, Bob, put Brenda back on the phone". He said, "I told you I have BIG news. Do you want to hear it or not?!" I said, "Sure, Bob, I'll bite. What's the big news?" He then informed me that "somebody's pregnant". I said "WHAT did you say?!" "somebody's pregnant." "Who?" I asked. He said, "Well, it's not me!"
After screaming into the phone for 2 minutes, I demanded to talk to my sister. We both screamed together and I had to ask her again if this was true. She confirmed it. She was pregnant. A pleasant surprise.
Now, when you tell a Robinson news like that, you'd better not expect said Robinson to keep their mouth shut! Brenda went on to ask me (plead with me) to keep this news to myself (torture) and give her a week til after her doctor's appointment. I told her I would. I really did mean it. I had good intentions. She had this whole elaborate plan to write a blog and reveal her news there first. I supported her decision. For a good 7 hours anyway.
Then I found out that my mom and my brother knew before I did. I could live with that. But when I found out that her girlfriends, MaryAnne and Gayle, knew before me, I couldn't dial the phone fast enough!
I called Teryn and had her put Chad on the phone with her. I told them the news and in typical Robinson form, Teryn screamed! She was so happy. Then I called Tawni. Thad was busy, so I had to give her the news alone. Same reaction. Screams.
It's now been a week since our news and if you've read my sister's blog, you know that our good news has turned sad. My beautiful, courageous sister suffered a miscarriage over the weekend. When she called to tell me, we talked calmly about the goodness of God and how He sustains us through all things.
Brenda's handling her situation with bravery and her head held high. It wasn't anything she did or didn't do to cause what happened. These things just happen sometimes. We may never understand why. We just have to trust that they happen for a reason.
I thought about whether or not to include the joy we felt as a family when we found out about Brenda's pregnancy and just write about the sadness we may feel now, but I decided against it. We were excited about this pregnancy. And even if it was for a short time, Brenda and Bob's baby meant something to us.
And I refuse to take any dignity away from my little niece or nephew who now resides in Heaven by diminishing the fact that we were happy about him or her, even if it was for a short time.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom
I love my mother. I haven't always understood her, but I love her. I've tried my best to honor her throughout my life. Even when I didn't want to. My mother and I have a distant relationship. I don't understand it, never have and probably never will. I just know that it's different. I am the oldest of four. Her relationships with my brother and two sisters has always been different than ours. I don't know why that is. It just is.
As a young girl, I thought my mother was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen. I remember standing by and watching her putting on lipstick or brushing her hair. I was in awe of how she could take a piece of bologna and make an entire meal out of it. And, you'd never believe her mac and cheese came from a box!
We didn't have much materially growing up, but my mother made sure we had what we needed. When I was 10, I begged her for a pair of YoYo shoes that I knew we couldn't afford (everyone had them!). I cried for two weeks and screamed at her daily that everyone had a pair except me! I told her she was ruining my life and that I wish I was in someone else's family! I saw the pain in her face, but I was a selfish kid and I didn't care. All I knew was I wanted those YoYos at any cost. I don't know how or even why she did it, but my mother surprised me and bought them for me. Looking back, she made lots of sacrifices for us kids. Some we knew about, many more we didn't. She may not have been the perfect mom, but she was mine. It's tragic that we don't appreciate our moms until we're older or mother's ourselves.
Funny, I don't remember what I ever did with those YoYos, but I'll never forget what my mom did for me. Thanks Mom. I know you live with regrets, but you didn't do too bad after all.
Happy Birthday. I love you.
As a young girl, I thought my mother was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen. I remember standing by and watching her putting on lipstick or brushing her hair. I was in awe of how she could take a piece of bologna and make an entire meal out of it. And, you'd never believe her mac and cheese came from a box!
We didn't have much materially growing up, but my mother made sure we had what we needed. When I was 10, I begged her for a pair of YoYo shoes that I knew we couldn't afford (everyone had them!). I cried for two weeks and screamed at her daily that everyone had a pair except me! I told her she was ruining my life and that I wish I was in someone else's family! I saw the pain in her face, but I was a selfish kid and I didn't care. All I knew was I wanted those YoYos at any cost. I don't know how or even why she did it, but my mother surprised me and bought them for me. Looking back, she made lots of sacrifices for us kids. Some we knew about, many more we didn't. She may not have been the perfect mom, but she was mine. It's tragic that we don't appreciate our moms until we're older or mother's ourselves.
Funny, I don't remember what I ever did with those YoYos, but I'll never forget what my mom did for me. Thanks Mom. I know you live with regrets, but you didn't do too bad after all.
Happy Birthday. I love you.

Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a mother. I wanted a house full of boys! I had this idea that if I only had sons, I would be deliriously happy with all the attention they would give me. Boys do love their mommys. Not to mention the fact that I wouldn't have to worry about them getting into my stuff! My makeup, shoes and clothes would be safe. Yes, I would have sons. The daughters would come later when I inherited them through marriage. That was my plan.
Now, years later, my desire to be a mother has been fulfilled. I am the proud mother of four, all of them boys..........well, except for four!
After my first daughter was born, from the moment I saw her, I knew my life was never going to be the same. And it hasn't been. I was so happy that I cried everytime I looked at her. I couldn't believe what my body had done! To describe what it means to be a mother, well, you can't really.
Two years later, when I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter, I was terrified. Not of the pregnancy or delivery, but I couldn't imagine ever loving another child like my first. I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to give her what she needed because of the deep love I had for her sister. But, the moment I saw my second daughter, I knew that I was wrong. I couldn't believe how blessed I was. Not only did I have one perfect baby girl, I now had two. Ten years later, again I realized I had more love to give when my third daughter was born. I was sure that this was it. I was done. Three was plenty. But, once again, fortunately for me and my family, three years later I gave birth to my fourth and last daughter with just as much love to give her as I felt for her sisters.
I may have convinced myself at a young age that having sons would make my life happier, easier and more content, but I'm so glad that God had other plans. His ways really are better than our own. I couldn't imagine my life without any one of my girls.
We do have our challenges sometimes. There are, at times (ok lots of times!) drama, but it always seems to work out. They're my girls and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Now, almost 26 years later, I am still amazed that I get to be their mother. My girls are literally four of the best things I've ever accomplished in my life. No, they're not perfect, but they're mine. I look at each of them (usually when they're not looking) and I stand amazed at the part that I was priviledged to play in bringing them into the world. I love the fact that at 25, 22, 15 and 11, my girls still refer to me as "Mommy" despite the funny looks they may get!
I've made more mistakes as their mother than I care to count. But, I am so thankful that in spite of me, they've turned out pretty darn good. If I do say so myself.
Now, years later, my desire to be a mother has been fulfilled. I am the proud mother of four, all of them boys..........well, except for four!
After my first daughter was born, from the moment I saw her, I knew my life was never going to be the same. And it hasn't been. I was so happy that I cried everytime I looked at her. I couldn't believe what my body had done! To describe what it means to be a mother, well, you can't really.
Two years later, when I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter, I was terrified. Not of the pregnancy or delivery, but I couldn't imagine ever loving another child like my first. I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to give her what she needed because of the deep love I had for her sister. But, the moment I saw my second daughter, I knew that I was wrong. I couldn't believe how blessed I was. Not only did I have one perfect baby girl, I now had two. Ten years later, again I realized I had more love to give when my third daughter was born. I was sure that this was it. I was done. Three was plenty. But, once again, fortunately for me and my family, three years later I gave birth to my fourth and last daughter with just as much love to give her as I felt for her sisters.
I may have convinced myself at a young age that having sons would make my life happier, easier and more content, but I'm so glad that God had other plans. His ways really are better than our own. I couldn't imagine my life without any one of my girls.
We do have our challenges sometimes. There are, at times (ok lots of times!) drama, but it always seems to work out. They're my girls and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Now, almost 26 years later, I am still amazed that I get to be their mother. My girls are literally four of the best things I've ever accomplished in my life. No, they're not perfect, but they're mine. I look at each of them (usually when they're not looking) and I stand amazed at the part that I was priviledged to play in bringing them into the world. I love the fact that at 25, 22, 15 and 11, my girls still refer to me as "Mommy" despite the funny looks they may get!
I've made more mistakes as their mother than I care to count. But, I am so thankful that in spite of me, they've turned out pretty darn good. If I do say so myself.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
"But by the grace of God, there goes me"
Being a part of the work that I do, running a crisis center, you can just imagine what we encounter everyday. I meet women daily who are either faced with crisis pregnancies, considering abortion, have low self-esteem or feel hopeless about their futures. Many times, they don't know where the money's going to come from to feed their children, clothe them or how to pay their rent or light bill. We are able to meet many of their material needs, but more importantly, their spiritual ones.
Twice a month, one of the services we offer are parenting classes. We bring in speakers to motivate, teach or share a personal testimony with the girls. Today was my turn. These women come from all walks of life and have faced many hardships throughout. I was able to share with them some of my own trials and how God has brought me through each and every situation I've faced with courage and determination.
Some of these women have been abused in many ways; sexually, physically, emotionally and even spiritually. In a few of their faces, I recognized fear, hopelessness and heartache. When I began to speak to them about the church, I sensed sarcasm among the group. It didn't take long to realize that their opinions of the church are low, due to the way they have been treated or rejected by so called "Christians". I was able to explain to these girls that we have to be careful not to judge God by what man imitates Him to be.
I've met many "Christians" who resemble the same people that deny God exists. Sir Francis of Assisi said, "At all times preach the gospel and when necessary, use words". I LOVE that.
Please don't hear what I'm not saying. I am not a religious person. I would go so far to say that I hate religion, but I enjoy my relationship with God very much. And trust me, there's a difference.
I am humbled, honored and privileged that God allows me to meet the people I meet everyday in my office. And when class was over, there were many tears in the room, including my own. Yes, I'm blessed. Even on my worst day.
Twice a month, one of the services we offer are parenting classes. We bring in speakers to motivate, teach or share a personal testimony with the girls. Today was my turn. These women come from all walks of life and have faced many hardships throughout. I was able to share with them some of my own trials and how God has brought me through each and every situation I've faced with courage and determination.
Some of these women have been abused in many ways; sexually, physically, emotionally and even spiritually. In a few of their faces, I recognized fear, hopelessness and heartache. When I began to speak to them about the church, I sensed sarcasm among the group. It didn't take long to realize that their opinions of the church are low, due to the way they have been treated or rejected by so called "Christians". I was able to explain to these girls that we have to be careful not to judge God by what man imitates Him to be.
I've met many "Christians" who resemble the same people that deny God exists. Sir Francis of Assisi said, "At all times preach the gospel and when necessary, use words". I LOVE that.
Please don't hear what I'm not saying. I am not a religious person. I would go so far to say that I hate religion, but I enjoy my relationship with God very much. And trust me, there's a difference.
I am humbled, honored and privileged that God allows me to meet the people I meet everyday in my office. And when class was over, there were many tears in the room, including my own. Yes, I'm blessed. Even on my worst day.
My First Ever Blog!
YEA!! I have a blog now too! I always wondered what a blog was. Now, come on, you didn't think I could let my younger sister, (the pilots wife), start one without me, did you? This is going to be great fun for the family and our friends!
Oh, and don't get overly excited. I won't be sharing too many secrets here. Those are reserved. Sometimes, my blogs will be humorous and other times, not. Let's see, sounds kind of like life, doesn't it?
So, come on, everybody start blogging! This will be a great way for me to save my Sprint minutes! Now, instead of blah, blah, blah, it's blog, blog, blog!
Oh, and don't get overly excited. I won't be sharing too many secrets here. Those are reserved. Sometimes, my blogs will be humorous and other times, not. Let's see, sounds kind of like life, doesn't it?
So, come on, everybody start blogging! This will be a great way for me to save my Sprint minutes! Now, instead of blah, blah, blah, it's blog, blog, blog!
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